Is this pox, mites, injury?


12 Years
Apr 27, 2010
Fort Stockton, TX
This is our friends chicken. He called us to come look at her this evening. She is between 8 and 12 months old and up to now was a healthy large fowl Speckled Sussex cross. His wife first noticed that there was something wrong yesterday evening. I'm sorry the picture is so bad but we couldn't get there until after dark. I've had chickens for about three years but have never had anything like this. Any information or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Honestly it's a bit hard to tell from that angle. If it is lumps of sore like lesions, then probably pox. They may also have them on their legs, toes, under their feathers. If not.....I'm stumped. Fleas..well you'd see fleas.....mites or ticks you'd see too. Injury, would have dark dried blood that would flake off....
Dry pox... No wheezing, nasty eye or puss in mouth..... You just let it run it's course. It spreads by Mosquitos or by birds eating the scabs off others. If it turns to Wet pox then an antibiotic like Tylan 50 cattle med would be nessasary....
Chickenzoo, thank you for the response. I found some information on fowl pox. If that's what it is the poor thing is just covered with them. I'll go over in the morning again and take another look at her.

Thanks so much,

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