my sunwolf

7 Years
Apr 22, 2012
Southwest Virginia
My Coop
My Coop
I went out to check on one of the pasture pens yesterday and found this girl like this. She had recently laid a normal sized egg--possibly her first--and was hiding in a corner. I isolated her with food and water, but she is not interested in eating or drinking and seems to be having a hard time going poo. I did clean the mass with water and alcohol and pushed it back inside her, but she pushed it back out in a matter of seconds. She has now been pecking at it, which is why is it so red--it was merely pink when I first found her. There is also some creamy discharge as in cases of vent gleet.

I have seen minor prolapse, but nothing like this. Is this the same thing? I don't want to keep around a girl with this kind of genetics, I am just interested in identifying what exactly could have gone wrong with her. Thanks for any help you disease experts can give me.

I had a hen with a huge prolapse... very similar to the image here of your chicken... you can apply honey or prep-h to help the prolapse shrink back... keep her isolated in a darkened area, bathe her with epsom salts in the water and gently push the prolapse back inside.

Sadly my girl did not make it despite all of the care I gave her, antibiotics are also advisable as the prolapse can easily become infected.

At the end of the day it is for you to decide her future... whatever you choose is personal to you and her... a hard decision but you know her better than anyone here....

Best wishes

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