Is this rabbit hutch safe to use?

Are these hutches safe to take home?

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Jan 13, 2019
I have some neighbors that i sometimes pet-sit for, and every time i am over there, i drool over their 2 rabbit hutches. One is wooden and 2 levels, the other is 3 levels and metal. Both are in god condition, and are nice and sturdy. Anyways, 3-4 months ago, their two Holland Lops who were a bonded pair (and lived in the wooden hutch) died. They were only 2 or 3 years old. One had gone blind for several months before going downhill. They just all the sudden got really weak (like they could barely lift their heads up). They died several days apart. They were still eating/pooping/drinking and all that. They were taken to a vet who did not know what could be the cause of these symptoms. He did say it probably wasn't a contagious disease, but who knows. He thought maybe a brain tumor, but it was quite a coincidence they died so close together! Anyways, they cleaned the hutches with bleach right after the rabbits passed away, it's been several months, and they decided to give the hutches away. I really want them!!!!!!!!! But is it safe? I have a really nice herd I would hate to put in danger :fl
I'm not sure what you mean? My neighbors fed their rabbits. I took over when their family went on trips. I was feeding the rabbits up until about 2 weeks before they died.
Sorry if I was confusing. I was trying to help with figuring out why the bunnies may have died. I was just asking about their diet. We're they eating a rabbit pellet? Some deficiencies can cause blindness.

There are some diseases like snuffles that bunnies that can be very contagious. Since the hutches have been sitting empty I would assume they were safe at this point.
They ate rabbit pellets and hay, as well as yogurt drop treats (not good, I know!) they also got to go out in a pen and eat whatever they found there. And they had a salt spool

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