
  1. M

    can chickens catch colds or sicknesses from humans?

    we don’t feed our feathered girls a lot of table scraps, but depending on the food, have been known to. yesterday, my human girls had a viral infection that made them little puke machines. today they are better and i am on a mission to fill their bodies with nourishing foods. so i made...
  2. C

    Couple chickens have a fluid filled bump on sinus

  3. wonderlandfly

    What is wrong with my turkeys? Yellow bumps / blisters on them

    Hello the last couple of days my turkeys, particularly one over the other has been getting yellow bumps all over their head and neck. It looks like it is semi spreading too. Does anybody know what this is and how to treat it? I am super worried.
  4. POD


    Feeling overwhelmed, my whole flock is affected by scaly skin on their combs and faces. Some of them have now lost feathers and their scalps have thickened. I want to know if anyone can give me a second opinion on the photos I will attach. Has anyone treated favus successfully? How long did...
  5. Eggenator

    Scaly leg mites?

    Hello everyone, My 8 year old hen has pretty raised scales on her feet and legs. I'm suspecting it is scaly leg mites, but wanted others opinions if you agree with this assumption. Also, I have a new flock of 11 week old chicks near her, they are separated by chicken wire however so they're not...
  6. E

    Anything contagious that presents as either salpingitis or water belly/ascites?

    Hello, I have unfortunately lost 2 of my ex-battery girls quite close together, and have another 2 hens I am concerned about. I’m pretty sure one of the deceased had salpingitis as I found a lash egg not long ago and one of the ones I am worried about now may have water belly as she is starting...
  7. L

    How contagious is fowlpox?

    I have a hen who was staying indoors in a dog crate to recover from a predator attack. She’s just about ready to go back outside, except a couple days ago she started showing signs of fowlpox. The thing is, I also have a pet lovebird. She’s down the hall and I’m keeping the door to her room...
  8. chickbee

    HELP, Contagious Diseases that look like Mareks?

    What are some other contagious diseases that might present like Marakes? Or cause sudden extreme feather loss and balance issues? Before Christmas I lost a hen that ended up with her being unable to see, balance issues, wasting away and some other symptoms. We ended up putting her down at our...
  9. AltonaAcres

    Is this rabbit hutch safe to use?

    I have some neighbors that i sometimes pet-sit for, and every time i am over there, i drool over their 2 rabbit hutches. One is wooden and 2 levels, the other is 3 levels and metal. Both are in god condition, and are nice and sturdy. Anyways, 3-4 months ago, their two Holland Lops who were a...
  10. Clappmeg

    Sick Chickens, How Contagious?

    I recently picked up 3 Silkies from a local farm that was downsizing. She was practically giving them away and they're very difficult to find in my area. I've kept them separate from my small flock in that: - My chicken coop is built into my garage. The bottom half is enclosed by plywood but the...
  11. S

    Egg Periontitis?

    Hello everyone, I am in a bit of a chicken trouble situation, and I wondered if you had any input. My Light Brahma, last Friday, started acting sick. I will list the symptoms: Tail down, not walking much, often sitting down, not eating much, barley drinking, her abdomen was really sensitive...
  12. BigMoma3

    Round 2...unknown illness

    :caf This is me. Hours upon hours of research and even more clueless than before. I had a very sweet hen pass away last week after taking care of her inside for four days. I know she had sour crop but not sure if that's why she passed or what may have caused it. Now... I have another sick...
  13. Mrs Ugh

    2 Pullets dead quickly, remaining 2 are thin

    I am lost! How can I save my pullets? I posted a couple of weeks ago that I found one pullet very thin and wobbly . She couldn't really stand. I had already treated all with Corid since I had seen some strange pink droppings. I isolated her right away We tried to get her to eat and gave her...
  14. Coye16

    2.5yr Pekin Bantam: Advice Please: Sick, Grieving or Lonely?

    Hi Everyone Abit of background: Afew weeks ago I posted a thread about my Pekin Bantam - she had a swollen eye/ earlobe with a tick on which we removed. She was lethargic & not eating much & after 2.5 days the swelling did not go down. We took her to the vet who gave her an antibiotic injection...
  15. Halevb


    Help! I'm about at my wit's end. Several months ago I went out to the coop and found my 1 year old barred rock hen acting sick. She was having trouble standing up, watery bright green poop, pale comb and wattles, and just generally lethargic. I did some searching on here and immediately...
  16. ldamp

    Chicken with possible eye problem what do you think?

    I seen my one Barnevelder eye looked as though she was crying with a tear drop in the corner of her eye. Her other eye looks totally fine. The next day it had more of a tear kind of foamy in it. Attached are photos does anyone know what this is and what I should do? Is it contagious?
  17. Backyard Farm Nerd

    Contagious Pate butt?

    Last week I purchased 12 day old chicks from my local feed store. One of them wasn't growing as fast as the others and kept getting paste butt. When I checked on them yesterday evening she was dead. I figured it was some kind of intestinal abnormality and wasn't worried about it. However, this...
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