Is this really a buff orpington?


7 Years
Aug 18, 2012
North Mississippi

These pics are both from tonight.

A neighbor gave us this chicken and a Barred Rock on May 19th. They were about 8 weeks at the time. The BR has turned out to be a roo. I am trying to figure out if this one is 1) a buff orpington and 2) a hen or a roo.

This is our first time having chickens so we are still learning :)


These pics are both from tonight.

A neighbor gave us this chicken and a Barred Rock on May 19th. They were about 8 weeks at the time. The BR has turned out to be a roo. I am trying to figure out if this one is 1) a buff orpington and 2) a hen or a roo.

This is our first time having chickens so we are still learning :)

That looks like a "sex-link" or other mix
Looks a little gangly to be a pure BO. And too red. But, she could just be a little awkward.
that is 100% buff orp and also 100% cockerel. pullets do not have the pointed hackles and saddles like he does and i would bet my whole flock of about 30 bantams on him being a cockerel
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