Is this scaly leg mites?


Apr 17, 2015
Oakland, CA
Can you tell me if this looks normal or like scaly leg mites? Sorry for the poop in the photo! This is my Rhode Island Red, about 3 years old.
I agree with @sourland that scaly leg mites don't usually cause such dark bruising of the scales. I'm wondering if this chicken is the victim of another chicken pecking at the legs and feet on a pretty regular basis.

I recommend treating the legs and feet with nice long soaks in Epsom salt, and also observe the flock's interaction with this individual.
Agree! What kind of bedding, flooring, run are they in? I’ve seen similar grey discoloration in the severe mite infestation I’m dealing with... I would soak and treat for mites, better safe than sorry!
That honestly looks like a bit of frostbite to me. If you look further up the legs they look so healthy. I would think that if scaly leg mites were that bad down on the toes and tops of the feet that it would be that bad all over the legs as well.
Scaly leg mites can be painful, even in the very early stages. My rooster was just beginning to show signs of the leg mites on his feet and he was walking and shaking his legs with every step. That's what made me look at his feet to discover the mites.

Other chickens will peck at their feet if they're causing pain. Your chicken could be pecking their own feet due to pain from mites.

I would definitely treat the legs and feet with soaks and castor oil or Vaseline.
I live in California so it’s unlikely it’s frost bite. My other girls’ feet are looking a similar color though here’s a photo of another- barred rock. They aren’t acting hurt or sick and walking around like normal. It’s been raining a lot here but that’s it for the weather...

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