Is this she a he?


Jessamine Cottage
8 Years
Aug 27, 2011
I have 4 5 month old Buff Orp hens. I'm beginning to think one of the girls is a he, and the funny thing is, her name is Bob. My daughter named her Bob as a joke, but I'm beginning to think it is actually a Bob, and not a Bobette. Your thoughts?

Oh, right. I forgot to mention that I have heard what seems to be attempts at crowing, but my girls are noisy, so it's hard to tell if it's a crow or them just being boisterous. I can't pin the crowing sound to any one bird because it happens when I'm not in their line of sight.
how about a picture of the tail feathers?
I personally think if you have not heard a crow yet, which TRUST ME you will hear it LOL! Then I think its still a hen you have there. I have girls that have long wattles/combs that you would think they are Roo, but once you get a rooster next to them there is a large difference still. Also how does this bird stand. A Roo will stand kind of more up right then hens, he will also begin mating dances for the ladies.

Just an example of my Roo (if this buff is a roo you will see him stand taller, and bigger and by now you should be noticing a difference in size :)

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