Is This Sudden Death Syndrome?


11 Years
Jun 26, 2008
Washington County, NY
Does anyone know anything about Sudden Death Syndrome? I've had 2 apparently healthy and vigorous layers die with no symptoms or warning in 24 hours, out of 7 hens. They are about 3 years old. They weren't huddled in a corner or anything, like sick chickens. The only abnormality I saw after death was what looks like cloacal tissue protruding from their vents. This apparently is a symptom of Sudden Death Syndrome but can that affect 2 of 7 hens within 24 hours? Is it maybe something else? No one else seems sick either.

It has been unusually cold here (got down to minus 18 F the night before last, when one died. This happens only every few years). But last night, when the second died, it was very cold (minus 6 F) but not out of the ordinary for February. And she was still warm when I found her this morning, so it probably happened when it was warming up.

It's probably unrelated but I am also treating one of the others for wry neck. I'm using the standard vitamins and anti-inflamatory treatment but it doesn't seem to be having much affect.

Anyone have any suggestions or feedback?
I've started them all on tetracycline, just in case. Tonight, all the ones left look fine, but so did the 2 that died.
Does anyone have any experience? Or ideas?


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