Is this wound healing properly?


May 3, 2019
Lucy was a victim of a pecking order dispute five days ago. Her scalp was laid bare. I've isolated her in a dog kennel in the house and have been flushing the wound with Dakin's solution and then applying triple anti-biotic once a day. I hold her on my lap till her body heat melts it and she doesn't flick it all off. She's eating, drinking and quite active. I'm just wondering if it appears that this wound is healing properly. The yellow is particularly of note. Is that normal healing or do I need to lance and drain it? I looked at a few pages in the emergencies etc but there are 2,965 of them. She and everyone else around here will starve to death by the time I've read through them all. Thank you.
For five days post injury, she looks fine. Such wounds heal from the outside inwards and take time. You'll have a house chicken for a while. :oops:
Yep, she flounces around here like she owns the place! I wish they made Pampers for chickens.

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