ISA-Brown page. :)))))))

The color of the eggs are dark, and I use tabacosteels in the nesting boxes too prevent lice and mite. Using it now for ten years but never had lice and mite.
If I put other things in it they throw it out..
The color of the eggs are dark, and I use tabacosteels in the nesting boxes too prevent lice and mite. Using it now for ten years but never had lice and mite.
If I put other things in it they throw it out..

So true. I live in Florida. Most of the time I use hay but I do use spanish moss. It is a native air plant that lives in the trees. I harvest baskets of it and use it in my nest boxes and over the years I have found it is hard for them to get it out of the nest boxes, not impossible but almost.
Thanks everyone for posting pictures of your eggs!

I guess our first two red stars or ISA's (not sure which as back then I didn't pay as close attention) just layed abnormally dark egg shells.

In other news - I never believed people before when they said their hen laid 2 eggs in 1 day, well now I do. The other morning(at 8 am) when I came home from work there were two full sized (soft shelled) eggs on the floor of the coop under the roosting bar. I know they were not there the night before because she laid an egg that day, and she is the only hen that lays brown eggs. Both of them appear infertile however.
Thanks everyone for posting pictures of your eggs!

I guess our first two red stars or ISA's (not sure which as back then I didn't pay as close attention) just layed abnormally dark egg shells.

In other news - I never believed people before when they said their hen laid 2 eggs in 1 day, well now I do. The other morning(at 8 am) when I came home from work there were two full sized (soft shelled) eggs on the floor of the coop under the roosting bar. I know they were not there the night before because she laid an egg that day, and she is the only hen that lays brown eggs. Both of them appear infertile however.

Although rare I have had birds lay more than two eggs in one day. I don't collect my eggs until evenings and have found an extra egg in a nest box, so it does happen. The most likely cause is the bird did not lay an egg the day before and had a developed egg she had layed while developing another egg which she would lay later in the day. This is just my thought. Once in awhile I get a double yolk egg especially with my pullets when they first start laying. which would be two eggs developing with one shell.
Although rare I have had birds lay more than two eggs in one day. I don't collect my eggs until evenings and have found an extra egg in a nest box, so it does happen. The most likely cause is the bird did not lay an egg the day before and had a developed egg she had layed while developing another egg which she would lay later in the day. This is just my thought. Once in awhile I get a double yolk egg especially with my pullets when they first start laying. which would be two eggs developing with one shell.

Yep, we have had double yolkers several times but ours showed up when our hens had been laying for a few months and were ginormous. Last week she layed two soft shell eggs while roosting over night then skipped a day and layed a double yolk egg the next. Since then she has put out two normal eggs which i am hoping to hatch when I get about 5 more of em. I am not entirely confident in the fertility of her eggs but we'll see.
No one else wants to contribute to the discussion? I think an ISA Brown thread is a good idea.

This thread ended June '12 so don't know if I'll get any action but here goes. My friend has ISAs and is thrilled with them, says their eggs are so big they don't fit in the cartons. Nobody mentioned that in this thread. Perhaps hers are exceptional? Hers don't molt or take a vacation from laying, yet. Of ourse she has only 9 and spoils them with organic meat, ff and sprouts to make sure their protein level stays high. I am a "pet chicken" type with only 10 birds right now so want pretty ones that lay diff color eggs when possible. The ISA is a rather nondescript hen from what I can tell in the pictures. Are their eggs mostly above average in size? Anybody out there following this thread?? THX

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