ISA-Brown page. :)))))))

Hey everyone! I am new to this so please be kind with my chicken stupidity. I have 6 ISA Brown "pullets" just under 3 wks old. I was reading that since the are sex link, the females will be brownish red and the males white. We purchased them as sexed female chicks. My concern is that as they are feathering in, a few of them look much leso red than the others. Could it be I have roos? I snapped this picture of them before I cleaned their "brooder" tonight. Let me know what you think please!!!

It's completely normal! My ISA chicks turned really light as well growing new feathers - I named one Marilyn as my "busty blonde"! She was almost white. They'll grow in more brown feathers over time, and some will end up being lighter or darker than others. I have one that's quick dark with sporadic white feathers, and one that's strawberry red (I call her Shortcake!). Its quite remarkable how they change. But no need to worry - if they were Roos they would have been completely white/light yellow as chicks.
All of them are females

Here are some of my young females.

Some of these are Red Sex-Links but they look the same as ISA Browns when they hatch. The white chicks are the males, the buff colored chicks are the females and there are some Rhode Island Red chicks too.
Bought 6 isa Brown pullets last week. I guess they are now about 11-12 days old. They are my first chickens ever. I bought them because they were good natured and good layers, but I didn't realize I was buying commercial laying hens until I found this thread! Here's hoping for lots of eggs, I guess.

Here they are in their brooder, just starting to get their wings.

I have 14 that are 4 weeks old...have had many chicks over the years and thought I would try the ISA browns for egg production this year...first time for me to have them. Hoping we get lots of eggs. I usually have buff orpington and will probably get more BO's in a month or so.

I got my first chickens last year and got Isa browns. I love my girls and thinking about getting 6 more of them this year. I have 10 and I'd say usual 6 out of 7 days a week I get 10 eggs a day. The 7th day is 9 eggs. You will get lots of eggs!
I haven't read this thread completely through so I don't know if the point has been made before but knowledge of the breeds/crosses not withstanding, patents do expire and I'm wondering how that is dealt with? I know Big Pharma catches hell with folks who want to put out their own version of big money-makers and if State Security secrets can be gleaned through espionage, chicken pedigrees should be a walk in the park...???

Just musing.

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