Isbar thread

I've never seen those prices on Silverudd Blue. They may not be pure bred. I would suggest you do your research so you know what you are looking at and can tell if it is truly what they say it is.

No they are purebred. He's a very good breeder of them. He just needs the chicks gone since he hatches all summet

Just a few of his Isbars
Most blue Isbars have lighter color necks. Will mine lighten up as he matures? Or is he not a true Isbar?


That is called red leakage and some of the later imports have that showing up. That is not a silverudd blue (isbar) trait and probably came about by some mixing of breeds somewhere along the line. That is not a desirable trait if you are planning on breeding.
Does red feathers signify something bad? I've never had a rooster before and am still fairly new to being a backyard chicken mom. Hah

If you are just looking for a protector for your backyard flock, no big deal. If you are striving for show/high quality birds, not one you want to breed. Too bad you are so far away, I have 4 extras that are turning out beautiful birds.
Best of luck whichever way you go!
If you are just looking for a protector for your backyard flock, no big deal. If you are striving for show/high quality birds, not one you want to breed. Too bad you are so far away, I have 4 extras that are turning out beautiful birds.
Best of luck whichever way you go!
Oh that is so sweet of you! Well yes we actually landed him by accident. I was skeptical at first but so far he has been an extremely sweet guy. Great with the flock, my kids and even the dogs. He follows me everywhere I go and liked to sit either right next to me or on my foot. So given he has kicked my fear of roosters, I was very caught off guard by his colors. But definite no breeding here. Thank you all so much for the input. Now as for his crow...its, well for a rooster I'd be embarrassed!! Haha it sounds terrible, not loud whatsoever. He's been crowing for maybe 1-1/2-2 weeks, does it get louder over time or this just his crow?

I got my first Silverudd's Blue egg a couple days ago. Interestingly, my friend who owns three of my pullet's hatchmates got her first two SB eggs on the EXACT SAME mint green and the other a dark, dark olive green with speckles. Beautiful!!!

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