Isbar thread

Oh that is so sweet of you! Well yes we actually landed him by accident. I was skeptical at first but so far he has been an extremely sweet guy. Great with the flock, my kids and even the dogs. He follows me everywhere I go and liked to sit either right next to me or on my foot. So given he has kicked my fear of roosters, I was very caught off guard by his colors. But definite no breeding here. Thank you all so much for the input. Now as for his crow...its, well for a rooster I'd be embarrassed!! Haha it sounds terrible, not loud whatsoever. He's been crowing for maybe 1-1/2-2 weeks, does it get louder over time or this just his crow?

It should get better. Neither him or you will be embarrassed when he gets his big boy voice.

I got my first Silverudd's Blue egg a couple days ago. Interestingly, my friend who owns three of my pullet's hatchmates got her first two SB eggs on the EXACT SAME mint green and the other a dark, dark olive green with speckles. Beautiful!!!

Congrats on your first egg !
It should get better. Neither him or you will be embarrassed when he gets his big boy voice.
I'm hoping he doesn't get too loud. The city has a ban
On Roos however I have one hen who takes the cake LOL! Now he is abnormally sweet! Will this not change significantly once hormones kick in? I worry because my kids interact with him so much and hold him daily. I'm hoping he stays a sweet guy, even if he's a loud one! Lol

I got my first Silverudd's Blue egg a couple days ago. Interestingly, my friend who owns three of my pullet's hatchmates got her first two SB eggs on the EXACT SAME mint green and the other a dark, dark olive green with speckles. Beautiful!!!

Beautiful! How many weeks are your pullets? I can't wait for our first egg from Bonnie! And her comb Is just starting to turn a bit red!
Oh how exciting! Mine is 17 weeks! So any day now! And I most certainly will! And how funny, mine will be 18 weeks on the 8th!

I've got one that's 26 weeks and not the first egg! I have another about 22 weeks and nothing there either. It has been so hot this summer that I really don't expect them to lay until next month or so.
I'm hoping he doesn't get too loud. The city has a ban
On Roos however I have one hen who takes the cake LOL! Now he is abnormally sweet! Will this not change significantly once hormones kick in? I worry because my kids interact with him so much and hold him daily. I'm hoping he stays a sweet guy, even if he's a loud one! Lol

Some Roo's do change their temperament when that happens, but mine generally keep the same personality/temperament. I can pick my favorite roo up and carry him around all day with no worries until...another roo comes close! He is still a boy after all.

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