Issues that you have had with shipped eggs, beside poor hatch rate?


12 Years
May 2, 2011
Yucca Valley
I ordered 2 dozen eggs from to separate sellers. They both specified that they would ship on Monday, I verified this with both of them. Well one of them shipped Saturday and the eggs arrived yesterday. The second seller shipped Monday, like they said they would. I have two incubators, but absolutely do not trust the Hovabator any more. So now I am going to let the first set of eggs sit until tomorrow night and when the second set arrives they are only going to get to sit for about 16 hrs or less before they go into the incubator. That way when I go into lock down the second set will only be going in about 3 days early. I hope this works out.
My other issue is I rcvd 4 extra eggs, which is all good and fine, except they are a breed I do not want. Why do sellers do this? I have had this happen before and ended up with a banty rooster when all I have is LF. Poor little guy had to be kept separate as even the hens would pick on him.
Don't incubate the 'extras?'

I don't know why sellers do that. Seems that they would only include extra of what you order

I have gotten shipped eggs that arrived having started incubation already (looked about day two it took three days to arrive), I added some of my own eggs to make an even 2 doz- 21/24 hatched just fine.

I put them straight in as the incubator was already set up and stable and I had tested fridge eggs in it.

Letting them rest may have helped but they were very well packed and from very close.

The eggs I set form my own flock were about the same age as the shipped ones.
The last time my extras that were not the breed I ordered were labeled as the breed I ordered. Took awhile to figure out why the little guy wasn't growing like the rest!, LOL. I had never had a banty before.
I've been having a heck of a time with fertility being off in shipped eggs. Since you can't be there to witness the chickens that are old or too fast for the rooster....then you don't really know who's eggs you are getting.

Maybe I am just a bit grumpy today too. I went to candle and I am pretty sure 6 of my 12 that I bought for $$$ aren't even fertile at this point.
I've had horrible hatch rates with shipped eggs. The issues seem to be due to handling, not the incubation process. This time I bought from a reputable breeder, and I think I may get one or two to hatch out of the initial 24. I'm hoping the other eggs that I ordered fair better.

One big issue, aside from being tossed around and left in hot/cold temps, is detached air cells. I've had a lot of eggs end up with saddle shaped air cells.
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I've been having a heck of a time with fertility being off in shipped eggs. Since you can't be there to witness the chickens that are old or too fast for the rooster....then you don't really know who's eggs you are getting.

Maybe I am just a bit grumpy today too. I went to candle and I am pretty sure 6 of my 12 that I bought for $$$ aren't even fertile at this point.

Just because they don't develope doesn't mean they aren't fertile. If they had a rough ride they will never start. I just had to throw out two dozen shipped eggs that I know we're fertile but were apparently used for football or something by the po. Only two of those started and they died sometime before day 5. You have to remember that most people selling hatching eggs want repeat customers so they would do best to send fertile hatch able eggs. It is out of their hands after being dropped off at the po.

That being said I do not believe that they should send you extras of a different breed. I would contact them and ask them why. Or at least let them know that you didn't like that. Some people probably wouldn't mind.
Well I would say the extras are just a kind gesture as someone stated people want repeat customers. it's simple don't incubate them or if you get a friend started with that breed.
I've had horrible hatch rates with shipped eggs. The issues seem to be due to handling, not the incubation process. This time I bought from a reputable breeder, and I think I may get one or two to hatch out of the initial 24. I'm hoping the other eggs that I ordered fair better.

One big issue, aside from being tossed around and left in hot/cold temps, is detached air cells. I've had a lot of eggs end up with saddle shaped air cells.
Oooh...that is annoying!! Fertile eggs can be expensive, and it's extra frustrating when they show up in a box that is thrashed! I've spent way too much $ than I'd like to admit on eggs, but I have learned (the hard way) that I get the better hatch rates when I buy from breeders who are in nearby locations. I'm on the west coast & have found some really great breeders in California, Washington & Oregon. I haven't had a single problem since I've stuck with them. Classicsredone, since you're in Sac if you're interested in finding out who these breeders are, PM me

I also have one other person who I get my Silkie eggs from who is in Indiana-- she is so awesome & we always ship priority so the eggs come right away. Its a little more expensive, but they are delivered safe & sound every time!
I ordered 24 hatching eggs. Out of those, 3 were cracked when they were unpacked. I'm sure it was the post office, for the packaging was very good on all the eggs. Just one of those things and a risk I took. I just wish the ones that were cracked hadn't been the Lavender Orpington eggs I really, really wanted. Having said that, of the 21 that I incubated, I got 8 chicks. On eggtopsy, most seemed to have been fully developed, but failed to hatch. I am going to try ordering one more time - from somewhere much closer and who ships next day delivery and see if I get a big improvement. Hope so.

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