It has begun


where's the pics?!?

Lol, it's not very good because of the condensation on the glass.


Woke me up in the middle of the night making a racket which set off my other 2 1/2 week old chicks that are in the same room.
Lol, it's not very good because of the condensation on the glass.

Woke me up in the middle of the night making a racket which set off my other 2 1/2 week old chicks that are in the same room.

Sweet! Congrats!!
Any more pips or any out yet?

By the way, I don't like my humidity to get so high as to cause condensation... unless it was just from the chick hatching. If the condensation stays, I'd pop the lid and let a little humidity out. But that's just me.
Sweet!  Congrats!!  :jumpy   Any more pips or any out yet?

By the way, I don't like my humidity to get so high as to cause condensation... unless it was just from the chick hatching.  If the condensation stays, I'd pop the lid and let a little humidity out.  But that's just me.

Not just you love, i second that opinion, but were not here to tell Anyone how to run their hatch. I think our friend said this here because she's concerned you might loose some chicks due to drowning in the egg unable to absorb all the fluid because of the extra humidity.
Sweet!  Congrats!!  :jumpy   Any more pips or any out yet?

By the way, I don't like my humidity to get so high as to cause condensation... unless it was just from the chick hatching.  If the condensation stays, I'd pop the lid and let a little humidity out.  But that's just me.

Not just you love, i second that opinion, but were not here to tell Anyone how to run their hatch. I think our friend said this here because she's concerned you might loose some chicks due to drowning in the egg unable to absorb all the fluid because of the extra humidity.

I tend to get the odd bit when chicks hatch but once they start dry off it goes. Watching it shoot up on the display can be a bit :barnie


both groups are in my incubator, some are due on the 2nd.

2 are due on the 8th, and any others are in between those dates. The gray eggs are in a carton because I cannot see in the eggs so I am just turning them in the carton as a group.
I did pop the lid but my hydrometer was only at 63. I think the roomost got a little cool and the glass condensed. One more pip this morning! Day 20.

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