

Chillin' Out
12 Years
Mar 7, 2007
Mount Airy, NC
I had two cockerels that got feather picked bad today. Guess it was the hot weather in the coop. Outside run isn't ready yet...

So what do I do??? Put the 2 of them in the yard to free-range. Dusk comes and one comes right up to me and jumps in my arms saying "it's gettin' dark, please put me in the coop". No problem...however, his partner in crime is not so helpful. Under the coop, around the coop, through the yard, under the bush and finally...under a big bush surrounded by a patch of poison ivy. After crawling through the ivy and under the bush and around the bush and through the bush and all in the poison again...I finally corner him against a chain link fence!!! I have a bad feeling about tonight...I am itchy already...

i agree use the fels napp soap i does wonders, believe me when i get it , even if it is on my toes, i always wake up the next morning with my face swollen 3 yes 3 ! times its size
I don't think it's a drug store kind of item. You can usually find it in a super market, in the laundry soap section. It comes in a bar, nothing fancy, and don't expect it to smell particularly chic! But it does the job! I keep my bar of it handy all summer.
Naughty roo!

Eeeeeh. I always go for good old Calamine lotion.
If you want to go more natural, you can make a poultice of crushed oatmeal and baking soda, or just pour it into your tub.
Those darn roos !! I hope you don't get it too bad.
It has been rather hot for this time of year.Too soon for me,we were up in the 80's & way too humid.
Hope ya get to feeling better,Miriam
You get poison Ivy from the oil of the plant. Dawn dishwashing soap and warm water work great. Wash as soon as possible. I have aleady gotten it 2 times this spring chasing chickens. The last time used dawn, did'nt get it.

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