It's All Over But The Crying

I live in Bonny Doon, hi neighbor!

I drove to Metzer to pick up my order of WH babies about 2 weeks ago... it was very different from how I imagined it! They turned a private home property into a home/hatchery. They had a pretty specious 'yard' and all of their adult ducks were sleeping in the sun in the grass, it really seemed homey and like a great environment for so many birds. :)

My WH babies have been great so far, I named my favorite girl "Fi fi", ha ha.
Haven't introduced the WH's to my chickens yet, but the WH's can hear my wee roos (bantams) crow, they always cock their heads inquisitively at me.
I live in Bonny Doon, hi neighbor!

I drove to Metzer to pick up my order of WH babies about 2 weeks ago... it was very different from how I imagined it! They turned a private home property into a home/hatchery. They had a pretty specious 'yard' and all of their adult ducks were sleeping in the sun in the grass, it really seemed homey and like a great environment for so many birds. :)

My WH babies have been great so far, I named my favorite girl "Fi fi", ha ha.
Haven't introduced the WH's to my chickens yet, but the WH's can hear my wee roos (bantams) crow, they always cock their heads inquisitively at me.

Hi, indeed! I'm in the Los Gatos hills, so the other side of 17 from you. But that's darn near shoutin' distance! :) And I'm so thrilled to know someone else who's gotten WH from Metzer. We're going to have to compare notes!
So for me, I'm not new at raising ducklings, but this was my first time as an adult, and getting them so young (a day old).
Even at a day old, they are soo much sturdier and more inquisitive thank baby chickens! Don't get me wrong, I'm a chicken fan first and foremost, but it was surprisingly different.

What I'd do differently? NOT give them wood shavings for bedding at the start. Unlike chickens, you have to sort of teach them what is food, and what is not food. If they can eat it, they will. Mine started gorging themselves on the pine shavings to no end; I took out the shavings when I realized they were not going to stop eating it. Mine are close to two weeks old now, and I use pine shavings now; they'll nibble it here and there, but nothing like before.

I knew better than to give them a cardboard box for a brooder; I got a big plastic tub to use as their brooder, so any (and there are many) wet messes can be cleaned up without damaging the box.

I've read that a stuffed animal can help them feel happy/secure, so I gave them a lion beanie baby thing; they love that lion. They always sleep with the lion, and if they start crying when I take them out of their brooder, if I show them the lion they quiet down and get cuddly again. :)

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