It's CONTEST Time - BYC Bumper Stickers!!!!

Oh, this should be fun.
I was also wondering if we can post more than one & if so is there a limit to how many?
Ok how bout this, since my "novel" wasnt all that great...

"Yes, chickens! Where you been?"


"Chickens, the new prada!"


"Chickens? That's so hot!"

Ok, thats all I got for now. Maybe those are good?

Ok white background BIG black letters.


Like the got milk? ads......... I'll keep thinkin.
you all are so creative! Some of these are too long for bumper stickers, but not too long for shirts.

Keep the ideas flowing!

My two cents: When I design stickers I keep them nice and simple so they can be seen / read from at least a car length away. Black / White is best (and least expensive) but more colors is definitely possible... probably not more than 4 colors.

Again, I'm all about simplicity... here's the back of my car:


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