It's CONTEST Time - BYC Bumper Stickers!!!!

Check out what the cluking is all about


Oh, by the way....I'm a big fan of doing the magnetic version of bumper stickers- even if it costs a bit more.

All stickers will be available in magnet form, but yes, they will cost a little more. The magnets and the adhesive bumper stickers will be the exact same sizes. This is part of my plan and will allow people to get one magnet bumper sticker and multiple adhesive stickers with other designs. When they want to swap bumper stickers they just need to apply the adhesive sticker to the magnet and voilà, a new magnetic bumper sticker.
I'm so with you guys...I hate "sticking" anything to my van if I can't get it off.....Just one of my own personal AR preferences...
remember magnet stickers are great but don't forget to remove before going through a car wash the high pressure will knock them off your bumper. just a thought has happened to me.
How about Herbert Hoover's statement during the depression, after he was elected and made his promise the stock market crashed 1929 "A Chicken In Every Pot" to "A Chicken In Every Backyard"

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