It's gray and rainy, but a BEAUTIFUL day in the neighborhood!


15 Years
May 7, 2009
Southeastern Illinois
It is rainy, but warm for this time of year in SE Illinois, but it couldn't be a happier least not until my grandkids get home from school and all the excitement begins because I made a trip to the farm supply store and came home with chicks!!! 2 Barred Rocks, 2 NH Reds, and 2 Ameraucanas!! These are all new breeds for us and I'm excited to watch them grow. We've had chickens now since 2009, with Buff Orpingtons, RI Reds, Black Australorps, one silver laced Wyandotte and white plymouth rocks.....I'll post pics later. I know you all like to see photos!
Completely agree! Perfect day for curling up next to the brooder and watching "chick television"! I also got some chicks from the local TSC yesterday: 2 Buff Orpintons, 8 EEs, 2 silkies, and 2 mystery chicks! I can't wait to see what colors the EEs and mysteries are :)
Congrats! I am getting soooo impatient when it comes to my chicks. They are in incubator and have a bout 2 1/2 weeks left. I"M GETTING SO ANXIOUS!!! :D

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