It's official. I'm not a cold-blooded murderer after all ....


7 Years
Jun 25, 2015
Southern New Hampshire, USA
... I'm a pretty bad one.

Some of you may have read my post from a few days ago:

Last Saturday night, I killed my chicken. I threw her in the woods behind my house, onto a brush pile down the hill into the woods. We have coyotes, foxes, owls, racoons, fisher, bear, etc.

She was a-gonner.

Except that, while my husband and daughter were doing archery in the backyard this afternoon, Lunch limped out of the woods and scared them both to death. I'm a little stunned and horrified too. Saturday night she couldn't walk. She couldn't even perch. She could only lay on her side and flop around. She had stopped eating and stopped drinking and I had done everything I could do for her. So, I "did her in" and tossed her into the woods for the critters.

Apparently, she didn't like that idea. My husband said that she can now stand and she's limping pretty badly and using one of her wings for balance. She only takes a few steps at a time and then she sits down to rest.

So, as of now, she has survived:
1) a fox attack, where she got bitten badly at least twice, and sustained injuries to her back, breast, both legs and one wing;
2) two weeks of me trying my darnedest to nurse her back to health, with little to no success;
3) being stuffed in a sling that she didn't like and kept escaping from;
4) me, supposedly wringing her neck and tossing her into the woods, with a high arc, onto a brush pile;
5) all of Saturday night;
6) all of Sunday, in the pouring rain, all day, and with low temperatures;
7) all day Monday;
8) the foxes, which we have at least three in our neighborhood, as well as several other predators, (see above);
9) somehow crawling up the steep hill, though it's only about six feet high, but she had to get out of and through the brush pile first; and
10) miraculously, she didn't get hit by an arrow!!

My husband almost fainted when he saw her.

I would have fainted!!

My younger daughter is now calling her Zombie Chicken.

I am completely stunned! My husband and daughter picked her up and put her back in the cat condo on the porch.

Now what do I do?!?! Apparently, she wants to live.

I'm stunned!!

OP stated she thought she'd wrung the bird's neck.
I hope this doesn’t come off as rude, but why would you just throw her into the woods to be eaten? In my eyes that’s a little inhumane.

There are much better ways to euthanize a chicken.

Talk about a remarkable story. :th That chicken is a survivor.

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