I've heard you shouldn't give chickens more than 10% of they're diet scraps


7 Years
Nov 18, 2012
Southeast Michigan
A friend of mine who also is a newby on chickens said that he read somewhere that you shouldn't give chickens more than 10% of they're diet in scraps. Is this true? If so, why?
that probably depends on what the scraps consist of. fruits and vegetables are healthy, so i give all of mine to my chickens. i wouldnt worry too much about giving them too much of the healthy stuff like vegetables, its more of the 'treats' that u want to make sure they are getting in moderation...at least, thats my take on this issue
Thanks Y N dottes
As a rule it is said that you shouldn't offer any more than 10 to 20 percent scraps or treats to you birds because it troughs off the nutritional value of you regular feed.


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