I've never eaten....

I cannot think of anything that I have not or would not eat, except a live eel or any part of a human. Unless we were shipwrecked over a month, and someone volunteered.

Bugs, snake, you betcha. Blubber. Ok so that was a little greasy, but I was hungry. Survival class. And had a lovely meal of Sulfur Shelf when we were lost out in the woods with nothing to eat. Tastes like chicken.

There is nothing 'ordinary' that I would not eat. Tomato? How could one live life without tomato? Avocado? How about a tomato and avocado sandwich, with a little salt and olive oil on some crispy focaccia bread?

How about some lovely Italian bread drizzled with green olive oil and coarse salt? Bring me a plate right now!

Arugula, I consider an indispensable food group. Basil, I consider a vegetable. Cilantro, ditto. Cottage cheese, I consder delicious. Olives, I find the usual canned ones insipid and unbearably boring. On the other had I could live the rest of my life on Kalamata olives. The more shriveled up and nasty looking the better. CHEESE? THe stinkier the better. Cheddar that makes the roof of your mouth throb, feta that would make most people's heads shrivel to the size of a pea.

Yogurt from a clay pot, made from buffalo milk, sour as a pickle and nice and firm. Kumiss made of mare's milk! Butter tea! Sure, more salt in it, please? Thanks for the extra boiled mutton! How's about some pumpkin curry with coconut milk? SUSHI! Indonesian satay with peanut sauce!!!

How about some nice Dutch Steengrill? How about some nice stinky raclette cheese on some boiled new potatoes?

Soul food, Indian food, we regularly shop at Indian stores and pick up a nice big container of Hing and Tamarind Sauce, Middle eastern food (falafal is the most awesomest thing in the world), Cuban food, Mexican, South American, Chinese, Thai, Pacific Island, Afghani, Ethiopian, Iranian, EVEN BRITISH food. BRING IT ON. I've eaten rice with my hand in a hut, rice that was cooked in a clay pot on a wood fire, pig that was cooked in a pit over hot stones.

There is not one mushroom I object to. I love collard greens. We grow artichokes, I would sell my soul for one right now, dipped in some home made mayonaise with ancho peppers in it.

I have made a point of missing most popular TV shows as I think most of them are revoltingly stupid and a waste of time.
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I've eaten many different things considering my grandma is from Pakistan and she practically raised me.

I don't think there is a whole lot I won't eat.
welsummerchicks, you're my kind of people. There are only a few things on this planet I won't try to eat. Certain kinds of mushrooms, cuz they'll kill ya and skankheads (salmon heads the Inuit leave to ferment in the sea). Other then that, if I can get my hands on it, it could be dinner.
Food in Pakistan is sooooooo good! I occasionally get treated from a friend who is from Lahore which used to be in Pakistan! They run a Sikh temple and the lunch meal after the church service is one of those just-try-and-walk-after type meals. And if you don't stuff yourself it HURTS THEIR FEELINGS!!!!! So you have to!
I think I would try anything. I like new things and try, every time I go to the grocery store, to get something I've never tried before. It's fun! At restaurants I like to read over the menu and see if there's anything I've never heard of. There's a Greek restaurant nearby that is terrific, for that. There's always something new on the menu. Great!
I am not an adventerous eater. I finally tried sushi and thought I was right all along. However, I had escargo and was pleasantly surprised - I love mushrooms, garlic and butter, and that is exactly what they tasted like. It took me 10 minutes to work myself up to try it. No organ meat - I know the function and I am NOT gonna eat it. No bugs (that I know of). If it doesn't make me wanna barf I will try it. I have to know the ingredients and contents to form an opinion in my mind. I have heard that haggis is not nearly as bad tasting as it sounds.
I can't stomach fresh tomatoes. They are ok made in stuff like pizza sauce, spaghetti, diced in lasagna or something like that not cold though. Well thats not true cause I love salsa. I can't stand ketchup or anchovies yuck!

I like the taste of guacamole but I get sick everytime I have tried eating it. Maybe allergic to avocados is that possible?
Yep my wife and son both are.

And BTW anchovies rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whats a Ceasar salad without them???????????

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