Ivermectin for DOGS for Heartworms?

I got a question for someone with some experience. In my small town the vets are crooks, seriously....they charged me 834 to spay 2 female cats???? they said that is the price!! they are the only vets here. not long ago my other dog was due for his rabies shot, the cost..280 bucks give or take a few cents...its very ridiculous but the next vet is 6 hours away.

anyhow, my five dogs...3 of them have white paws, 2 are a mix between labradors and sheppards, the other one is a st. bernard king sheppard mix. would they be allergic to it?? the vet has never given it to them th eonly one who ever received the meds for that was my older labrador but he was never tested to see if he had them, anyone out there know if this white paws thing is real or just hogwash?? The one blonde lab constantly gets ear mites...its getting really expensive, and now she is showing signs of it again, so the vet said this time she would sedate her and then scrape her ear out, I just know the price will sky rocket. I have already had to cancel my summer vacation to go see my family because of the vet bills lately. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If I can give it to her that might take care of her ear, I think the vet is purposely doing it wrong to make more money!!

ohh I should mention this is the same vet who billed me almost 2,600 a week before XMAS when my dog ingested an unknown toxin, according to her, and had to be put on an IV for a day, and then gave me meds for 2 weeks. and my dog was still seriously sick for a month at home and kept telling she was fine and to keep giving her the vet food, which later I found out the dog couldn't eat anyhow because that was what was makign her sick, she is on a raw diet now.
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frontline spray will get rid of ear mites. about 1/2 cc to a cc per ear. Some co-ops sell it, it is used mainly for fleas, but will work on ear mites. you can spray it into the ear, most dogs don't care for it. I usually pull it up in a syringe(no needle) warm it in my palm and then put in ear. Some folks won't agree with this but it is an inexpensive way to treat. Now the dog isn't gonna like it and will need plenty of treats to make up it.
The vet should sell Frontline spray--from the sound of it they are gonna charge a lot for it. It is about 35 for the small bottle here. 834. to spay 2 cats???? were they cheetahs or something???280. for rabies shot??
No body, not even your vet, could tell you for sure if they would have the defect or not without a genetic test. I wouldn't be worried about trying it, but nobody can tell in advance who has the genetic defect without testing for it.

Ivermectin will also get rid of ear mites. I would hazard a guess your dog has yeasty ears though, rather than ear mites, especially if they are floppy ears instead of erect ones. You might look up threads on yeast in the ear and try some of those things too.
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No body, not even your vet, could tell you for sure if they would have the defect or not without a genetic test. I wouldn't be worried about trying it, but nobody can tell in advance who has the genetic defect without testing for it.

Ivermectin will also get rid of ear mites. I would hazard a guess your dog has yeasty ears though, rather than ear mites, especially if they are floppy ears instead of erect ones. You might look up threads on yeast in the ear and try some of those things too.

Oh gosh I have actually tried every remedy I could find on that stuff, but nope nothing. and yeah like I said My vet is a total crook, everyone knows it, everyone complains, but if you want your pet to be seen you gotta pay for it. :-( but thanks for the tip I will research yeasty ears, she does have floppy ears, but as hard as it is to say no to her she no longer comes with us when we go swimming at the lake, it sucks cause she loves it so much!!
Another question...

I have a ML syringe...
How much do i give my dogs then in ML? One is 160lbs and my female is 90lbs.
Thanks for any help... *i suck at math..
cc and ml are the same. so if you dose at .1(point 1)cc per 10 pounds and you have 160 pounds of dog(dearlordthatsabigdog) you would give 1.6 cc or ml. the 90 pound one would be .9 cc(point 9). each little hash mark on the syringe should be .1(point one)ml or cc. we use the pig and cattle 1% inject-able but give in wet food--we do not inject it. I found ALOT of info online about dosages. please double check my math.
Actually redhen, start off with a smaller amount and work your way up gradually...that's what I did. Just start them off at .50 ml or cc (they're the same), next month go to .70, etc. In September you should give them 100%, (.90, 1.60) just to be on the safe side. I just draw it up in the needle and put on their dog food.

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