Jac Jac

May 6, 2019
Savannah, Chatham County, GA
Hello everyone. It's been over 45 years and I'm getting back to raising poultry - chicken (and ducks soon), as allowed by ordiance and zoning here.

After being a traveling nurse - wound care specialist, caring for humans, for over 40 years, I'm finally retired???AND differently-abled (it's a long story to be divulged as we make aquaintances), which affords me the opportunity to re-pursue poultry production.

Definitely planned and expected to complete my coops and tractor set-ups with the waterers and feeders, first. I promise you all, I gave myself six months to get here, but alas.... I've acquired five flocks in the last month. Therefore, I've been busy loving, building, loving, feeding etc... anyway, long-story short, my flocks now are:

1. one-eyed rooster and hen - Dorkings (named Mr. Mr. and Mrs D.) She lays 3-4 medium-sized eggs/week. He's a mean one, already had to remove 3+ inch spurs from him to stop his physical attacks toward myself, the other chicken, and the dog.
2. four 9-month-old Red Stars- friends of the Dorkings (HennyPenny, Blanch, Bea and Dorothy) Ea. 5-6 eggs/wk. Golden Girls at their finest.
3. 22 Orpington's - 1-month-old: 1-black, 2- white, 4-blue/gray/lavender???, 15- buffs, only half are named. We'll get to them on another thread.
4. 7 2-months-old pure RIR: 6 pullets, 1 cockerel - no names yet.
5. 4 RIR 3-4 months-old: 1 cockerel (Yellow Legs) and 3 pullets (Big Red, Sassy and Ms. Thing).

Mainly interested in RIR and have joined up with pure guaranteed breeder of same. All the other chicks are welcome along for the ride - though their life will involve lots of pettting and handling, natural sunflower, BSF and/or mealworm treats on occasion. Hope they can handle being spoiled.

I also have a purebred Belgian Shepherd (Kano): a 3-year-old retired police officer, emotional support friend, and occasional poultry guard dog- suffers from hot spots, related to allergies and sensitive skin, like mine. So... off to nurse him back to health. Guess, I'm delightfully not retired after all, lol, 'cause JacJac is back.

Looking forward to obtaining Golden 300 and Welsh Harlequin ducks in the near future. Any info will be gratefully and graciously appreciated, especially concerning zoning and such...as I am also looking for a 10+ acre poultry farm to claim for my organic ventures at BeyondGanics.com...Check it out.
Hello and welcome to BYC. I hope that you enjoy your time here. I thought retirement was supposed to be relaxing :confused:

This is a useful link of “How to” BYC guides to take a look at announcements-feedback-issues-guides.3. I’d suggest including your location using the guide in the link above. You can use this link to contact members in your area - Find your State's thread.

Best wishes

Pork Pie

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