James Marie Pharaoh vs. American Pharaoh quail?

James Marie Pharaohs from JMF are the best dual-purpose Coturnix Jumbos he has IMPO, and when I asked for dual-purpose because I wanted large eggs but might also butcher for meat that's what he suggested (and sent) me. Loving my James Marie Pharaoh chicks!

Same for me. Be sure you feed them correctly to maximize their growth.
Be sure you feed them correctly to maximize their growth.

I'm happily dancing to the beat of my own drum on that one, and my results have been fantastic so I'm content. Correct is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose!
Correct is in the properly formulated feed that ensures normal organ development and proper nutrition. You can feed them all sorts of things that keep them alive and make them lay eggs but it doesnt mean theyre healthy. People want to feed these birds what they want to feed them, even though they willfully chose a bird that exists only in certain places (on the other side of the planet) and require a certain diet.
General response to everyone on the diet vein: No. There is not necessarily one correct way to do anything for someone in quail. I am not being willful, either. Please, let's all stick to our own freedoms here. I have scientifically put together what I can and will within my own particular, private circumstances for my birds and they are where they should be for JMF Jumbos. I haven't told anybody here what or how I'm feeding, or how I'm raising, because I don't see how that is anyone's concern. You can raise yours the way you like, but if someone else raises theirs differently, that does not make them wrong. It does not make them a bad quail owner, either. People differing from the norm just have to do a lot of research, which I have. I would just like to see everyone agreeing that it takes all kinds to make a world and just because someone does something different does not make them "incorrect", "wrong", or "willful". This is still a freedom we can take, and still provide our quail the proper amounts of protein, calcium, amino acids, etc. If you still disagree with me, think I'm wrong, abusive to my birds, etc. please just let's agree to disagree and not continue this conversation. People that know me in person know I take great care of my birds and that they are fed properly for quail.
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I live in louisiana and have heard nothing but good about JMF. Just wondering if i ordered from him how long it would take to get eggs and would he mix up a order? Like half jumbo and half tibetan or would it be two seperate orders. I'm only asking here because I've read he stays VERY busy and would hate to bother him with these questions

I ordered 'James Marie Pharoahs' about five weeks ago (around the last week of April) and was given an anticipated ship "date" of May--wk 4 and they still haven't shipped (this was after the shipping snafu). So, he's running at least two weeks behind schedule for that particular variety I don't mind the wait....just hoping they get here in time to hatch before we go on vacation. :cool:

Also, I took someone else's advice and called on a Friday around 4pm...worked like a charm! ;)
As it relates to JMF shipping times, there has been extensive flooding in Texas and the surrounding areas that has only just recently come to an end. Everything that happens weather-wise in the midwest will affect the shipping times of JMF. He has to take care of the all the people who's eggs were lost or damaged during those periods of postal mayhem (often at his own expense), before he can get back to filling the next orders in line.

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