Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

Hi everyone. I am in Florida and tomorrow night will be a very cold night. I'm worried about my babies outside. But in my incubator I had a total of 30 eggs. Yesterday I took out 3 clear. But the rest of them are moving and looking good. They are due on the 16th. Can't wait. I have 12 of my own long Island red with two who knows what roo. And 7 from a friend's yard. Lol surprise. Which hen lays green eggs by the way.
What color Brahma do you raise?

I have a 2 dark roos and 3 light hens. One roo stays out with the mixed flock cause he likes them better.

He goes by Babysitter Casanova. He is protective over any/all chicks and shares his food with them. And because he is always dancing around the hens.

Really want a couple of buff hens.

Do you have them?
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My 2nd English Orpington has pipped! Tomorrow is the 21st & my little early bird is waiting for playmates. It's taking all my self control leaving him/her in the incubator.

Congrads, they will all start popping out now. You have a long night ahead.

Have not seen English Orpingtons before. Googled them, lots of different colors. Or search just gave me all orpingtons. Which do you have?
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Hi everyone. I am in Florida and tomorrow night will be a very cold night. I'm worried about my babies outside. But in my incubator I had a total of 30 eggs. Yesterday I took out 3 clear. But the rest of them are moving and looking good. They are due on the 16th. Can't wait. I have 12 of my own long Island red with two who knows what roo. And 7 from a friend's yard. Lol surprise. Which hen lays green eggs by the way.

What do you consider cold in Florida? I lived there way back in the day...the 60's! I lived in Fernandina Beach. I still remember walking to the beach. Love the memories. Here is Utah, we get pretty cold! Will be in the teens tonight, but so far, we've had a pretty good cold spurt. It was either in the single digit, or miuns for a couple of weeks. Love it when it is in the 20's at night.

I am thinking the hen that is laying green eggs for you would be an EE..Easter Egger. :) Or, you will get a real pretty blue egg from a true Ameraucana. Wheaten Ameraucana's lay the prettiest blue egg.
My 2nd English Orpington has pipped! Tomorrow is the 21st & my little early bird is waiting for playmates. It's taking all my self control leaving him/her in the incubator.

Yaay, I've seen the English Orpingtons JD. They are big! Gorgeous big birds. The rooster I saw was every bit as big as a Jersey Giant. Big boy!

Southern, did you say they are blues?
I have 30 silkies I set today and 40 quail eggs will be joining them Wednesday

I did some silkies this summer. It was fun. Got the prettiest buff, white, and blue out of them. I have a recent photo of one..the buff...Hoping it's a girl.
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