Janoel Incubation Experience

So I have been using the Janoel for incubating, but I am going to abandon this. I have found my hatches are dicey compared to my farm inovators and my HovaBator. I will now use exclusively for hatching!

As to the above picture, I now have 25 Lavenders hatched and 30 Lavender Laced Isabelle project! Super excited!!!!!

@ of the above Lavenders are roos I swear. Good eye!
Hey! Good to see you! I switched to a Brinsea 20 Advance a few hatches ago, and love it! But I did fire up my Chinese knockoff the other day. Still holds temp for a few hours, then drops off. I think it needs a new thermostat or heat sensor. Considering ordering one tomorrow though, because my Brinsea is full and I'd like to try it as a Hatcher. I loaded 8 silkie eggs and 36 quail eggs, expecting only about 50% fertility on the quail and all 8 of the silkie eggs are growing and 33 of the quail!! Go figure!

Would love to see some lav pics and your project birds!
Well I haven't visited for some time. I was hoping to get an update form the regulars on here. How is your flock? Any new additions? Triumphs? Failures?

I acquired Partridge Orpingtons this year. I had all but one die.
I am hoping to order some more for Spring delivery.

I am working on two colors right now: Lavender Laced Isabelle Orpington and Silver Laced Chocolate Orpington. I should have the LLI for sale next fall, but the chocolates will not be done for 2 years. I am sure someone will be successful before then and I am sure I will order a few for genetic diversity when they release them.

I just finished hatching out 80 hybrid layer crosses I;m working on for my egg farm. I use the Janoel for hatching only now. I really love it because it's all plastic and so easy to clean. No problems with it and I would say I have done 20 full cycles in it and 20 hatches. No problem with the heating element as some have cited. How is everyone's Janoel holding up?

I did have a horrible failure this year when I hatched out 100 chicks at once and had them in my chick area. It has a dirt floor. They suddenly started dropping like flies and I finally found it was from mice getting in and diseasing the poor dears. I have had to devise a whole new system for the first 12 weeks of life. I am currently creating brooding areas that have Machine cloth (2 layers) embedded in the ground surrounding the area 18" deep.I know they use this for storing corn successfully, so I am hoping it will work.

I have shot and killed so many skunks this year and had a tussle with a raccoon, who (knock on wood), seems to have been detoured. I need a predator cam.

That's about it. I know i's spring for some of you and you must be moving into greater fertility and production.

Happy Hatching!

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