Jelly Egg???


7 Years
Jul 1, 2012
East Coast
Hi! Just got two new silkie hens the other day and put them with my two other chickens. I went to check and make sure everything was okay when I got my first 2 'eggs' . One of the eggs had no, or atleast very thin shell!! Is that bad?? Should I be worried? Is it normal?? HELP
Lots of things can cause shell-less eggs. They are pretty common with new layers and can also be from stress. A new home is stressful for a chicken. I would not worry about it unless it continues for a long time. Make sure she is getting enough calcium in her diet but it is likely stress.
Sometimes when its their first eggs, they will have deformities. when my black sexlink laid her first it was a noshell. But if this continues to happen, then I would up the calcium intake. Oyster shell powder and kelp also helps.
When mine have those eggs, I give them Calcium and D. It's worked so far on three hens and two turkeys. The hens got one each every other day and the turkey got three every other day. If you decide to try it, let me know how it works.


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