Jersey Giant Quad for sale in Florida


10 Years
Aug 4, 2009
Central Florida
I have a 1 1/2 year old blue roo that stands over 26 inches tall (and still have a year of growing to do), 2 1 1/2 year old black hens, and a 7 month old black hen that is even bigger then the other 2.

the roo (bigboy) is very sweet. he doesnt try to attack you, and is very good to his girls. the younger girl is still in my "baby grow up pen". i tried introducting her about 2 weeks ago, and the girls really picked on her, so i put her back in the grow out pen to get a little older.

they are fed a mixture of 16 and 20 percent food (alternate percentage every other week). get turn out every other day (free range), and my 3 year old can pick up the roo.

they produce about 2 blues to every 4 chicks hatched. i have 4 week old chicks in the brooder now, that are already standing at 6-7 inches tall. absolutely huge and healthy.

i am changing out my breeds as JG's aren't selling very well around here. a lot of my area is "restricted" and large chickens just can't be hidden (not to mention the beautiful booming crow)

bigboy is from bobbi porto. her lines are SQ, however, he has a comb disqual. I can tell you though that i have grown out some of his babies, and i have not seen the comb disqual in any of them.

plz email with questions. i saw some of these go thru the auction the other day for 45 each. the problem is, i think they became dinner. i just cant do that to my babies.

pics are not the best. sorry.


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