JESUS Blessed my Life this week

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Well, my 22 yr. old son came back to live with us and I was dreading it. He has some immaturity issues and my other two sons and I were so very happy here. It started out rough and I finally had a very serious talk with him about his life, God, and how important it is to develop one's friendship with God.

Blessing # Infinity: I walk around with my head in the walking on sunshine! This son has turned it around and is now helping me keep my house in order, is being helpful each and every day, he has stopped sniping and arguing with his brothers and is very joyful. I come home each day from work to a clean house, a hot meal, all the laundry done and put away, extra chores done outside, etc. I am a single mother, so I haven't had a whole lot of help with my house(well, not without making them!) have no idea what a blessing it is to come home to a clean house each day!!! This must be what it feels like to have a maid/housekeeper.

Also, he is interested now in returning to college!!!
Can we say praise the Lord, boys and girls? Can I get an amen?
I was driving home around dusk and had my little baby girl with me who was 1 1/2 at the time and pregnant with my son. As I was coming up over a hill a Semi was in MY lane! I was shocked and frozen and right as we were going to hit head on it felt as if someone took the wheel and turned it towards the side of the road! I slammed on the brakes and just sat there in my car. The Semi Driver had fallen asleep! The man behind me stopped to see if we were ok. He said he seen the man wake up and grab the wheel after he beeped at him!
..the semi driver kept on driving
I was truly blessed and SOMEONE was watching over me! I prayed a lot that day give thanks!
Beekissed, I too have a son that has been nothing but trouble. I know where you are coming from. Right now we are quite happy not to hear from him at all, but one day I pray we have a happy ending and a change like your family did! Jesus Bless you all fully and richly...this story really touches my heart.
Well, I wouldn't say he was trouble all the time
but he liked to argue all the time, and we don't like to do that at our house. I always tell the boys, if I had liked arguing, I would have stayed with your father!
he totally blessed us AGAIN!!!

I was worried about making it through august.. remember..

well... ta ta da da da... he did it!

we are starting a SAINTS program in september. It is a Christian based home school athletic program where home school kids have a once a week PE we will be running it and if all goes well we will purchase the franchise for our area.

So anyway we will be making enough money to make up for the loss of his income while on disability and then some..

it is absolutly wonderful... we will have to delay our trip to disney for a few months (we had some tickets we have to use within 6 months) but I think we will make it..

Oh and just a small blessing .. I met a fellow BYCer yesterday at a church picnic. come to find out my husband has been hunting with her husband for two seasons now.. they have all bantam chickens.. and I spread the word to another who is going to come take a peek.
Halleujah halleujah.. I had ten whole minutes this morning before it hit me in the gut that I buried my son nearly 5 years ago.
Thanks to all the good christians i am reminded again that the good lord loves them more than me because their loved ones were spared in crashes and death issues. My son was not spared and where does that leave him? In his grave.. but Im blessed to know that your family was spared.. God gave his grace to your family and took care of you. HOw blessed you are. How wonderful to know that you are the chosen ones.
being told t hat he is at jesus's feet does not help me all that much. I cant think of anywhere better for him to be than in my arms safe and happy.
Relish in your blessings.
and sit back and smile that you are so much better at finding the grace of our lord and that he chose you to be blessed. My prayers were not good enough or were not backed up well enough to share in those blessing.. arent you glad yours were?
I am so sorry this happened to you.. We dont know gods plans for our lives.. and your sons life that he lived. I dont know what I would do if I was to loose one of my children..

that is the one area that my faith is the weekest.. I pray that it doesnt get tested.

I will however pray and ask God to show you why it happend to give you peace because you seem not to have very much. I am sorry....
jdypat-I am so sorry for your loss. I can't say I know how you feel, and I pray that I never do. The Lord has a plan for each of our lives, that I know for sure. My life hasn't been perfect, I have had my challenges, and they have been very deep challenges, but I have learned to see the Blessings along the way and that has stopped me from being bitter and angry.
I too could be very bitter and angry, but I thank the Lord for showing me that He is with me even in times of trouble...and I truly believe He is. I pray that He will show you His perfect love and Bless your life
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