JESUS Blessed my Life this week

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Im amazed that any of us can state how dear god is to us, but no one can state freely that they are not believing that stuff.
the right of speech... i think its called..
I was one of you at one time.. prayed every breath.. praised this god who sent his angels to wrap their wings around my children when i couldn't and did all i could in his glory to spead his joy and his word..
no more.. its wicked you know, but you really should broaden your world and read the other story.. I do not praise the devil. i am not a devil worhsiper because i do not believe this fairy tale either..
the god you speak of encourages slavery.. promotes war and death and states quite often how inferior women are. He killed a great many children at his whim.. ordered them killed.. so how can i think that my lone son would mean a thing to him? how could i expect him to know the value of that life when he had so many destroyed.
get real trust in yourself. i can stay quiet and keep my mouth shut til i read or hear of how god reached out his hand and saved the life of so many and answered a stupid prayer over a chicken.. someone actually prayed over a chicken.. while a war is going on for good ness sake.. a war where man and women are dying and americans are killing children going and coming... blowing their eyes out and their limbs off every second of the day and someone is praying over a chicken. can you believe that?
If the whole world turned its attention to the war and the entire world prayed for it to end this week. it would do no good.. god does not control that because he just is not there.
I love the sweet people who can close their minds to what is really going on.. it must be nice to hide from it behind the pages of a bible. to read it and not understand a thing that is said.. or if they do.. they promote the things that went on.. I envy them so much so much.. how nice it was to trust in a protector.. how sweet and impossible.
oh remember he always answers prayers just that he sometimes answers with a no.. get real.
please forgive me.. im bitter yes but i had my eyes oopened. i am angry at the lies my family and the world told me all my life.. furious at it..
a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down..
and when someone can tell me that something good will come from my sons death.. i hope thats its never face to face... jdypat
He was my life.. i trusted god to take care of him.. where was he.. oh he just told me no.
if you can take the deaths so easily then i would think that they didnit mean that much to you in the first place.. i say that without anger without spite .. just fact.. like if your heart was torn from your body you could get over it...? if your spirit was destroyed how could you go on?> i cant.. wont will not... im destroyed and getting over it would mean that he was not my spirit my heart and my very being...
BOY, I was feeling really good about this post. I still am but did not realize folks would get into a debate.

Jesus loves ALL of us. No matter what they do, have done, or are about to do. The blessings that Christ has given to those who believe are not because they are believers or because they did anything better than others. Christ is always ready to shower his blessings upon ALL WHO ASK. He has provided us with a gift. SALVATION. It is up to us to accept it.

In fact not only does He bless but He also rebukes and teaches us through trials and tribulations. We all suffer at one point or another. Not because He hates us but because He loves us. Just as a parent loves the child and teaches him to live in this world.

Ijdypat, have a daughter. Her name is Genoveve. She is up in heaven and I never got to meet her. When God gave us children. He did not give us an object to own. He only LENT them to us so that we may raise them to be productive and godly. When we loose a child, it is not because we were bad or the child was bad. God knew when he gave you your son that it would only be for a short while. Long before he was born. I don't know all the answers. I can just say that God needed him back. And sure as I am writing this, Your son is looking down upon you. AND HE STILL LOVES YOU.
Point to ponder....How come religious people always blame God when terrible things happen. Why don't you blame Lucifer if you think he is the bad guy.

It's amazing how non-christians know our beliefs better than we do. Otherwise how could they possibly judge us the way they do. I do not pretend to accept any other religion as "OK" BUT I do not judge ANYBODY for their beliefs. Only that I hope that their hearts will be open one day hopefully before its too late. Jesus loves me and I love you.
There are great things that came out of this post. The first. We shared the good that happens in our lives. THAT IS NOT FREQUENTLY DONE. Second, folks who would not normally listen to someone "preaching" to them is at least reading these posts. AND THAT IN ITSELF IS A TRUE BLESSING.
On July 19, 2008 my grandson headed back home from a 6 months stay at a Rehab hospital. On Dec 27, 2007 he suffered an accidental gunshot wound to the head from which the Doctors told us there was ABSOLUTELY no hope for recovery. When he beat those odds they changed it to no hope of meaningful recovery. Today if you see him it's hard to believe his brain was ever destroyed and his motor functions are slowly returning. Here is a copy of the letter I wrote him the day he came home for good. We are blessed beyond beliefl
Today, you head HOME! What a long way you’ve come since January when we all headed to Atlanta with our hearts full of hope, but with you not really even aware that you “were”. Medically, we were told that you might begin to respond, that you might eventually recognize us, that you might even, one day, speak to us. Oh, how I wanted to believe that that all might be true!! I said I believed in miracles, but my brain kept putting limits on how far you could come…..

In Columbia, late at night, you would open those deep brown eyes and look in my direction, I was told you were unaware , I remember praying “Jehovah, I can’t believe there’s not life there, the sparkle that shines through just has to mean we can break through the silence.” What a thrill when you responded my to prattle about how your Mom and we said “I love you” with a hand squeeze and my suggestion that you could tell her the same with a measured 3 swallows, then 3 eye blinks--AN D YOU DID IT! The staff smiled sweetly, but didn’t believe until the day they were by your bed, your Mom walked in and THEY saw you communicate!! Miracle became, not a word, but a reality to me that day!

He may eventually be able to speak, but it will be with difficulty, THEY said. Coping with your perceived impaired speech was the subject of many a personal prayer. I would listen to others struggle to speak and my heart would just grow numb. I will never forget that moment as I stood by your bed wiping your face with a clothe, and just because I could think of nothing else to say, said “ I’ll bet this is cold isn’t it?” My conversation must have sounded as stupid to you as it did to me for you SHOUTED, “NO!!” Not a garbled, labored sound, but a clearly enunciated, aggravated you, sounding word!! Now I knew with no uncertainty that miracles are happening today!

And so it began! A six month journey where you have shown us how a 12-13 year old man (no, I won’t call you a boy!) with faith, determination, humility can demonstrate that miracles do happen everyday, that pain and unfortunate circumstances do not have to make us bitter and that no matter what hand we are dealt in life we can triumph when we believe.

I believe you will continue to heal. I believe that you will tell your remarkable story through many venues. My prayer is that it will always be in the humble spirit of the 13 year old man who believes that this is just the way things are suppose to be……as the years pass YOU will come to acknowledge more and more, that your miracle is the love and devotion of your Mom, Dad, and little brother and all of us who love you, that your healing is God’s gift not only to you, but to us all.
Welcome home, the future calls you!!!!
Just wanted to share with all of you.
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Jesus shows us his miracles when we ask, and when we don't. I believe it is his way to show non-believers that he is still here. Those of us that believe, already know,that he cares for all of us regardless. All we can hope is others also see his wonderful light that shines on all of us, all the time. We live in a beautiful time. We have a beacon in the night of life that shows us the way. His way.
Beautiful stories everyone. Thank you for sharing.
Goodness, your stories are so heartfelt and bring tears to my eyes.

I just want to add one tiny thing that I am blessed with: the life of my step-daughter. She had a rare form of leukemia and struggled for two years; just when we thought she was heading toward recovery, the doctors found a brain tumor. They could not remove it, as she was still too weak from the chemotherapy. By the time they could remove it, she'd lost hearing, permanently, in one ear. she has now been in remission for two years! PRAISE BE! She is a nurse, and has trouble with hearing alarms in rooms, but is learning to deal with it. She recently quit her job (OH MY!! NO insurance!!), because she was accpted into a very prestigious program to further her education. With our Lord watching over her, we are confident she will make it through the program and be back to work in another two years, doing what she loves most...helping others!
Just to offer a different take on this thread from a more or less atheist perspective (I would not call myself non spiritual, but non *religious*, certainly)...

...I think that it's really wonderful seeing people being APPRECIATIVE of things in life, both the special and the mundane, both things that happened and things that were avoided. Irrespective (to me) of whether one attributes it to prayer, or a watchful helpful God, or just luck, I think that's an awfully good thing to practice in this life. And very encouraging and inspiring to see it in action

Generally grateful to the universe for all sorts of things, and not feeling myself to be in a position to critique the universe when it does things I don't like,

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Pat, wow - what a fantastic attitude! We can all learn from you!
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