Joebryant, This Bud's For You


11 Years
Apr 9, 2008
Minneapolis, MN
My Coop
My Coop
Today was the day. Time to clean out the chicken coop.

My DH declined to encourage my OCD tendencies by helping. He doesn't believe that chicken coops need to be cleaned. He couldn't have been more wrong. Especially after 5 months of indoor living through our cold winter.

After opening all the windows and removing the screens, I shoveled out 8 inches of pine shavings, which took more than enough wheelbarrow trips. I lost count, although my back didn't. Then I took the broom to the interior. Ceiling, rafters, soffits, walls, floor. Grody. I stood back and observed my work - not bad. Not bad at all. Now to just wash down the walls/floor and call it a day.

On the way back to the house to get a bucket of sudsy water, I remembered Joebryant's recommendation to hit the coop with a blast from the leaf blower. Sure, why not? Most of the nastiness was out already. Or so I thought.

As I stood in the doorway, cradling that leaf blower like a machine gun, I was aghast at the dust that was being evicted from my coop. I'm talking *epic proportions*. Pointing that weapon into the ridgecap vent (and thus agitating all that dust that settled above the insulation) released so much dust from the roofline and soffet vents that I began to worry that the neighbors were going to come running thinking that the coop was on fire. It was crazy. And to think that I was originally pretty happy with simply brooming down the walls...

Even though I was standing outside of the coop, I was completely COVERED in dust. My hair was white and my clothes were trashed. Yes, I had to leave them at the back door. Oh, and Joe, my husband says thanks.

And to all of you who advocate painting the interior of your coops, my hat is off to you, too. I don't remember who it was (patandchickens perhaps?) who convinced me years ago to prime and paint the interior, but it saved me today. I just misted with vinegar, wiped down the walls with dishsoapy water, misted again with vinegar for good measure and let the whole thing airdry. The coop looks almost as good as the day they moved in.

So, long story short, my thanks to you Joebryant for a great tip! I can always rely on the clever ideas from you BYC folks!!

Where are the pictures...of you covered in dust, of course! It's hard to believe how much dust those feathery friends make!
I have yet to do my spring cleaning on any of mine! Just reading your story had my nose itching and the urge to cough was unbearable. You are so brave but I know you are happy with your efforts. The chickens are probably in awe of their "new" coop.
Good going and thanks for reminding me that spring will be over soon if I don't get my rear in gear! Those walls and ceiling in about 5 of my coops looks like a haunted house.

I am sure Joe would be very proud of his original thinking of the leaf blower idea being put to use and well liked LOL!

And you might have left a ring around the tub when you got done with the shower!

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