Audrey Watson

Jul 11, 2017
Hey everyone!
This thread is going to be all about our baby chicks that are due to hatch on July 4th!
I don’t know if I posted this in the right place so if I didn’t please tell me.
The eggs were taken by our broody hen on Thursday, June 13, and they are due to hatch on Thursday, July 4th.
Below is a picture of Bellatrix, our broody hen, sitting on her eggs on day 3!
This is not the best setup for her but we have a rat problem at the moment and this is the only safe place for her and her chicks once they are hatched. We do not want our babies to become rat food.
We have a flock of 15 hens and a roo and our broody has 5 eggs under her. We don’t know which breed is which and we don’t know if they’re all fertilized so we really don’t know what we’re getting! We can’t wait for our new babies.


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Mama enjoying her hour outside of free time! Well, I think she’s enjoying it, I kind of had to drag her off the eggs and make her have some time for herself.
Don’t worry, it’s June here and the weather is warm so the eggs will not get cold, plus Belle is only off them for an hour.


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Have been listening all day and have not had anything yet. I do swear I heard a little movement under Bellatrix but no peeping yet. I hope some of the eggs have started popping but Bellatrix is very overprotective and will not let me lift up her wing to look. Hoping to have something tomorrow!
Good luck!

Bellatrix is a beautiful barred Cochin. Is your rooster barred? If not any barred chicks will be male.
She is very pretty, thanks! None of the eggs are Bellatrix’s, and our rooster is a Cochin but he is not barred, so yes, you’re right. He has produced a barred male chick before who is now off living a good life in another flock.

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