Jumbo Cortunix Quails not hatched (Day 18)


In the Brooder
Sep 22, 2017
Hi everyone! I'm new with quail raising and just wondering if its normal for Jumbo cortunix quails to hatch later than normal? (17-19 days). There was an unfortunate overnight outtage on day 16, could that also have set the hatch day back by abit? They didnt die luckily from the outtage, flipped the bator back on and candled them about 2 hours after tmand there was movement (thank God). Any advice? Thanks :) p.s the still-aired bator is currently at 38 deg cels and 65% humidity
A dip in temperature can set them back a bit. I'd give them until day 21 at least before giving up. Had any pipped into their air cells when you candled? If not then they are still a couple of days away at least. Good luck!
A dip in temperature can set them back a bit. I'd give them until day 21 at least before giving up. Had any pipped into their air cells when you candled? If not then they are still a couple of days away at least. Good luck!
Hi there, thanks for replying! Nope no internal pipping as of yet. Also i did the float test, 2 were bobbing slightly (i guess this is a good sign?) and the other 2 were floating low (maybe viable..?) ill just do what you said and hope for the best :)

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