June 2013 Online Hatching Egg Swap and Chat

When will the July swap be or will there be one? My girls are finally laying like crazy. As of now, I only have a mixed flock. Next year, I will have a few pure pens.
I won't be able to participate in a July swap because it should (this week's weather has been the exception to the rule) be way TOO hot for shipping anything. Mine would be incubating on the way. LOL
Yeah, The weather here is fixing to be over 100% for weeks, Id fry eggs. This is the longest heat spell i remember in san jose EVER.
I have the last of my eggs for a while shipping out Sat & then I'm just incubating my own until it cools down enough to ship again. It's not that it's super hot where I am, but the weather they have to travel through to get here. I will probably be ready again in August or September.

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