June 2015 Hatch A Long HAL

if it doesn't appear to be a weak leg issue, I'd be concerned. Maybe trying give it some electrolytes or sugar water to perk it up.
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One of my olives seems to be slow to learn how to walk. It hatched this morning and kind of lays down on its front a lot. The others are running all over the place investigating things. Should I be concerned? It is not spraddle legged, this is different.

I would give it a little more time. Hatching is exhausting work and the chick could still be worn out. My chicks usually take about 36 hours on average before getting their energy up enough to run around. It's possible that the chick is just tired. They do tend to sleep quite a bit the first couple days after hatching. If it doesn't start to perk by the 24 hour mark, then I would consider intervening.
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Understandable! Here's hoping the little one gets her sea legs here soon. Tough work, being born! Now if the other three eggs would go ahead and hatch! They are a day overdue. That's my next question, how long to leave eggs in the incubator before giving up? 24 days?
Understandable! Here's hoping the little one gets her sea legs here soon. Tough work, being born! Now if the other three eggs would go ahead and hatch! They are a day overdue. That's my next question, how long to leave eggs in the incubator before giving up? 24 days?

I have given eggs up to 25 days before calling it quits on the hatch. I did have one chick hatch exceptionally late, day 24. It was a very weak chick that died a few days later. It is really a judgment call. I have heard some breeders refuse to continue a hatch more than a day past the expected hatch date. Others will allow the hatch to progress as long as needed.

Here's the two rowdies! Dad was a silver ameraucana, mom was a marans or a wellie. Looks like they take after dad? Silver, black and tan chipmunks.
The eggs are not peeping and rocking now, they were yesterday. No shell pips. Humidity was moderate at best, wonder what went wrong? I think next time I'll incubate with more than our ambient 30-4o% humidity. Perhaps the air cells were too big for proper chick positioning.

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