June 2015 Hatch A Long HAL

The eggs are not peeping and rocking now, they were yesterday. No shell pips. Humidity was moderate at best, wonder what went wrong? I think next time I'll incubate with more than our ambient 30-4o% humidity. Perhaps the air cells were too big for proper chick positioning.

Did any make it out? How were you tracking the humidity in your eggs? I hope they are just in a resting period for you and you get some to hatch!
The eggs are not peeping and rocking now, they were yesterday. No shell pips. Humidity was moderate at best, wonder what went wrong? I think next time I'll incubate with more than our ambient 30-4o% humidity. Perhaps the air cells were too big for proper chick positioning.
I'd candle before giving up entirely. Sometimes they get quiet and still before hatching.
Did any make it out? How were you tracking the humidity in your eggs? I hope they are just in a resting period for you and you get some to hatch!

I hope so too! I have a digital thermometer/hygrometer that I have in the incubator, it transmits wirelessly to a base unit (very fancy) that is in my kitchen, so I could keep close tabs on things. I filled the water channels up at lock down. So many of the eggs had large or saddle shaped air cells, I candled too often and they were shipped. I guess I should be happy 3 hatched.
I hope so too! I have a digital thermometer/hygrometer that I have in the incubator, it transmits wirelessly to a base unit (very fancy) that is in my kitchen, so I could keep close tabs on things. I filled the water channels up at lock down. So many of the eggs had large or saddle shaped air cells, I candled too often and they were shipped. I guess I should be happy 3 hatched.

Shipped eggs are always hard to get a good hatch from. You only over candled if you constantly lost humidity or messed up the temp for good while while doing so.
I agree. Shipped eggs can be such a gamble. As hard as our sellers try to cradle them with amazing packing the post office uses mechanical sorters and drop and shake them all over.

I have had better luck recently with shipped eggs. I leave them set. In the turners go the ones with healthy attached air cells. I rotate them 1/4 turn every few days so they don't saddle as much. Hopefully the others with the Detatached or partial Detatached air cells Re-attach & can go up in the turners.

Sometimes they hatch...most of the time...no go!

Congrats on the three chicks!!!
Well today is day 21...I'm waiting not so patiently for them to hatch LOL! The hens are still sitting tight, haven't noticed anything different. Come on babies hatch already! ;)
So I listen for chirping? That's the way I'll know if they've hatched? Until mama takes them out of the nests?
Congrats on the hatches! Purpletie, let me know how the cemani eggs you got from me do! I just hatched three out of three eggs, and all were keepers :weee My broody also started hatching last night. She had at least one chick and another pipped egg, so I'm excited to check again when I get home.

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