
6 Years
Mar 16, 2014
South Carolina
My Coop
My Coop
Didn't see one
Thought with all the folks near me hatching soon, needed to be one thread
Just took the turner out and refilled water for humidity on one of my incubators. Lockdown time! There are 9 eggs left in it. Hoping they all hatch 3 or 4 days from now.
Well our hen went broody again! She hatched out our chicks 4 months ago.. and last night 7/8 eggs we had under her this time hatched! Barnyard mixes. The excitement of having no idea what they'll look like!



I just realized I worded that wrong , haha! I meant most of them are embryos, and only a few are unfertile. Whoops
Oh, that's good!

Well our hen went broody again! She hatched out our chicks 4 months ago.. and last night 7/8 eggs we had under her this time hatched! Barnyard mixes. The excitement of having no idea what they'll look like!

Awww they are sooooooo cute! Now I really can't wait till mine hatch!

Went into lock down this afternoon. Should have Silver Laced Wyandotte chicks by Thursday afternoon. The main incubator is one of those Chinese made yellow plastic ones with a digital readout. It has circulated air with a fan and an egg turner. I leave the vent plugs out. The temperature stays very constant and I add water about every 4 days for humidity. On the last three days I've switched the eggs to a wafer (non digital) Hova Bator still air incubator 1602 and raise the humidity to 60-65% by filling two of the troughs. Use a Walmart Temp/Humidity reader in the incubator plus the thermometer that came with the incubator to keep an eye on that. The eggs were an eBay purchase and came in the mail. The pics of her flock looked very nice and the eggs were well packed.

Will post what happens on Thursday. The eggs are very slightly propped up with a little piece of egg carton so they don't roll into one another.
Lockdown is so exciting! Can't wait to see how it turns out!
Hey! I'm joining late in the game. We had a failed hatch of shipped eggs last month so I was holding my breath on this one before getting excited. Our most recent bath of mutt eggs have been in the incubator since 11:30pm on Friday the 27th of May. According to my newbie calculations, they're due to hatch on Saturday the 18th, correct?

We had a minor accident the other day while candling and lost two partially developed eggs. However besides that I think we are right on target! 34 eggs remaining and only one so far that appears to be sterile! We can't wait to hear the peeps!
Yeah, the 18th, or sometime around then.

Here is the link for when and how to assist in hatching. I think it might be time to help the stocky chick but double check.

For the ones that are pipped, left them be. It can take about 24hrs from pip to zip. As long as they are breathing they are getting all they need. They may still be absorbing yolk and blood vessels which will nourish them for about 3 days.

Thank you for the link!! I was panicking and finally found it when I entered the right search criteria. It was a bit shrink wrapped but moist under the shrink wrap. Apparently the yolk had dried up and glued the chicks head to the wing and stomach.

For the pipped chick, I followed the guidelines for helping since its been over 28hrs since the pop first appeared, the membrane was dried and the chick appeared to have restricted movement. Once I freed some of the shell, I placed it back into the incubator and in 15 minutes it was completely out! Both chicks are now in the incubator with the other eggs getting dried. They are both walking very well!
We've got 30 in the incubator EE and Lavender Orpington
We've got at least 24 in coops under 2 broodys.
And we've already got a buyer for entire hatch.
Minus lavenders, we weren't going to have another hatch this summer but I think one more will be cool
I am setting 7 eggs in the incubator today, and giving a broody the remaining 11. I also have a broody with 8 Wheaten Marans due to hatch Monday, and another broody with 7 Wheaten Amercaucanas due to hatch the 15th. This is my first time hatching in an incubator, so I'm excited and scared!
I have five sebright japanese bantam mixes and two white japanese bantam eggs under my old english game bantam, due to hatch 6/9.

In the incubators I have 18 guineas and 4 standard (some mix of BR x BR, RIR, or Ameraucana) due 6/13; 21 guineas due 6/23; 17 guineas due 6/26; 10 guineas due 6/30; 18 guineas due 7/2. The 6/23,6/26, and 6/30 eggs have low expected hatch rates as it was a nest that I found that was overflowing with eggs. I threw them all in since I didn't know which had been in there for over a month and which were fresh. I actually just cleared out 21 of them today. Expected, but still disappointing! My second, temporary incubator is a cheap LG styrofoam and its giving me a hard time. I'm hoping my eggs don't get ruined before my new incubator arrives!
Got 3 eggs in the bator due the 15th, and 2 under broodies due tomorrow. 18 eggs coming sometime in the near future... Yeah, I have a problem. :lau

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