Just a friendly little reminder.


12 Years
Nov 3, 2007
On public forums such as this you are interacting with real people with real feelings. Sometimes some of us get carried away and say things we should not and hurt others feelings on here. I think the best thing for all of us to do before we hit submit is read our post and ask ourselves a couple questions? Would this post hurt my feelings if it were directed toward me? Will this post likely lead to others making hateful posts. That being said I also think some of us need to work on a little thicker skin. If we get offended way too easily it makes others scared to post anything at all. Both extremes are damaging. I have seen a lot of downright mean posts lately and I have seen some get offended over nothing. I think if we can come to a healthy compromise this can be about the best forum on the net. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Great reminder.

Please remember, guys, even though BYC has the #1 super-most-awesome Staff on the entire Internet (erm, if I do say so myself), we can't read every single post and thread here.

It is absolutely imperative (nice word choice, eh?) that you use the Report button to let us know when you see something that rubs you the wrong way.

If you don't tell us, we won't always notice, and things won't get taken care of. Help us out and use that report button.


(Who is sitting here looking at an empty report queue...anything you need me to take care of?)
Everything seems fine at this very moment. Glad to know the report que is empty. Thank you for all you do Lisa. Thanks to everyone else who volunteers to help keep order here as well.
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I agree. I think if a post goes a little in the off topic chatter area it shouldn't be shut down. We are on here for entertainment basically after all.
Great post! It goes perfectly with a side of this post .

Forum discussions are VERY prone to miscommunication and misinterpretation. If everyone was always careful to word things a little bit more friendly / carefully and read with a little bit more patience / thick skin our staff wouldn't have much to do (which would be a good thing).

We love having the worlds best community and appreciate everyone that works really hard to keep BYC the most friendly place to visit and make new friends!
I'll remind everyone that if you have issues with how we moderate the forum or a specific moderator you can discuss it with any member of the BYC staff privately or to me privately.

Public criticism of the BYC staff that work tirelessly to keep this place running smoothly will not be tolerated.
WOW! You have to step back a bit and take into consideration what our moderators have to deal with! Just a tiny bit of appreciation for them goes a long ways folks. They do not have an easy job, and I for one, have never seen any of them edit posts to suit their personal purposes.

There are a TON of children on this site and it needs to be moderated so it remains friendly for ALL members. Try and have a little tolerance.

And yes I have had conversations with them about reports about ME.


ETA: They put up with all this as VOLUNTEERS.
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