Just a picture and video of my duck enjoying being on his back


Jun 16, 2021
Unfortunately my ducks are hard to go near. I have 9, 7 of them I raised as ducklings, none of them will willingly come near me, I have to corner and quickly catch in order to hold them.
please do not put them on their back unless they want to be like that and are comfortable being held/pet. my ducks love human attention and hate when i leave them, which is why they let me do it
One of my ducks, my senior female who USED to come up willingly for treats out of my hand, is midway through a regimen of Clavamox after the vet removed a chunk of something out of the top of her foot.

I'm not sure she will ever trust and/or like me enough again to want me to touch her -- although she will take a few grapes from me while I am trying to clean that foot.

She gets dosed twice a day, and as soon as I let her go, she runs toward the rest of the flock and excitedly -- and loudly -- tells them all about her ordeal.
One of my ducks, my senior female who USED to come up willingly for treats out of my hand, is midway through a regimen of Clavamox after the vet removed a chunk of something out of the top of her foot.

I'm not sure she will ever trust and/or like me enough again to want me to touch her -- although she will take a few grapes from me while I am trying to clean that foot.

She gets dosed twice a day, and as soon as I let her go, she runs toward the rest of the flock and excitedly -- and loudly -- tells them all about her ordeal.
I think she'll begin to trust you again. I went through something similar when we had to treat 2 of ours for eye infections. They wouldn't come near us. We even had trouble getting them into their coop at night which we normally don't have. They free range in the day and come in on their own. All is well now. Forgotten and forgiven. I laugh when mine all have to get together and talk about their ordeal too!😂 Just so funny!

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