Just arrived from the deep west!


In the Brooder
Oct 3, 2018
Hi Everyone,
I have recently moved here from Alberta, to be closer to my daughter who lives in Hatchet Lake. I will be spending the winter with her and her husband while I search out a place to live and settle. I have had chickens in the past, and for now, am enjoying my daughter's small flock, as well as the eggs they produce. Grateful for happy hens!
When I move in the spring I will definitely be getting chickens, as I cannot imagine life without them. So I felt the best way to find out who has what and where, is to join a community forum and this one looks so good! I am looking forward to meeting new people on here.
Thanks for reading, and I can't think of anything else to say right now, so if you are curious, ask me questions!
Have an awesome day!
Where is "here"? Are you still in Canada?

Well, so happy you joined the group!! Lots of information and friendly people here if you ever need help or have questions.


Good luck in your future chicken adventure!

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