Just Checking In


Jun 23, 2019
It's been awhile since I dropped into the coop. My flock is doing well.

My girls were reluctant to use the nesting boxes until I changed from wood chips to straw lining. For some reason my flock prefers to sleep on roosting bars in the run rather than in the coop. My first flock did the opposite. My first flock I got at 17 weeks old. My current flock I raised from chicks inside the coop in small containers. Maybe that's the reason.

I do have a watering question. I use plastic water jugs/towers in the run and periodically have to scrub them to remove green algae growth. Is there a way to treat the water to prevent the algae growth?

Fully opaque waterers kept in the shade should have minimal or even no algae growth. Obviously climate matters, but I don't have any algae issues by adhering to those 2 things.

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