Just finished my new brooder ..(Pic Heavy)

The only thing i was going to suggest was adding a window on the sides....like Rafter 7 Paint Horses has. But i would just do it so i could see in better!!
I have a similar brooder too. mine is 2'x2'x6' and has hardware cloth on all 4 sides and on the bottom too. i screw on some osb panels to start and when they get older i take off the end panel and when they get bigger i take off the front panel. i pile a layer of shavings on the floor of the brooder for the first couple of weeks they are in it. The wire floor works very well once they start getting bigger because the poop just falls to the floor of the coop and can be easily cleaned up.
So the bottom floor (the catch all tray) is not very far under the hardware cloth so you can fill it completely up with wood shavings and they can walk on it? I'm afraid building one of these is in my not so distant future. I would never have dreamed I would be raising chickens.
wow so much more wonderful than what I am using.. but here in the florida heat I dont have to worry too much against drafts we did however have some cold nights I brought them in, putting them in a rubbermaid tote. and put the light on the side.. But mine are just in a plastic wading pool.. the one from walmart with a slide (built in entertainment for me and them) they are getting to the point of jumping out.. so I was thinking when they do I will just move them to the big coop.. they are my first batch so there are no bigger girls to contend with.
Smom1976, don't know how big your babies are, that you are about to move to the coop, but be careful if there are any rats around--when they can get to the babies, they will kill them. A neighbor a couple years ago put 100 babies out in a cardboard circle under a light in the empty chicken house, and all were killed in one night, apparently by rats, which he didn't even know he had a problem with. Good Luck. (Maybe there aren't rats in FL.--I am in MO.)

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