Just getting started! Lots of questions!

Meep! My eggs have just about one week left in the bator! So, suddenly, I've got some questions!

-I've been turning the eggs twice a day since I put them in the bator- should I stop turning them a few days before they hatch? Does it matter?

-I heard a rumor that peachicks cannot be raised with chicks. Is this true? If so, why can peachicks not be raised with chicks? Is it disease related?

I'll have more questions the closer we get to hatch day. So excited! :)
Casportpony,,,Glad to see others here that have some of the same philosophy I do.I've kept back about 30 2012 hatched peas and to date not one of them has been on dirt.I purposely built 3 long above ground pens inside Pea Palace just for this purpose,With all the hurdles we must jump thru to get young Peas to make it past 6 months of age I feel any obstacles that would get in their way would cause them to stumble,,so I remove as many obstacles as I can.Next spring after the rains in March-April are over is when my 2012 hatch will finally get on the ground.
You are the God or enclosures, IMNSHO, lol, and I will not hatch another pea or poult until I have a place to keep them. I cannot begin to tell you how relieved I am that one of the last bunch of eggs were viable! This year I will begin building my very own "pea palace" and will probably be asking many questions, if that's okay.

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