Just got chickens today!!!!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 14, 2011
Northwest North Carolina
My son is working on an FFA project, and we have looked....and looked....and finally found some 10 week old white leghorns. We went and picked them up today, and he ended up getting one gold comet and 2 RIR's (Just because they were so pretty). My question is, a few of the white leghorn pullets have a couple of black spots/dots on them. Are they a true white leghorn, are the mixed, or are they something totally different?

We are both really excited to finally have them. We are first time chicken owners, but eager to learn!!
Iamamy- Welcome.
I believe the white leghorns with black spots could be California Whites. I have two of them and they are my best layers. One is my top hen and is very friendly-not a normal Leghorn trait. I was in FFA a long time ago and I would have loved to have had chickens then. Good luck with the "family" project.
I am sorry but Iam no help when it comes to baby leghorns. I have a couple but got them when they were older pullets. I am sure someone will come along soon that can help you better than I can.
and the wonderful world of owing chickens.
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FROM OHIO! I'm not concerned about my chickens being the purest breed. ILOVE MY CHICKENS
just as they are..true Americans a mix of whatever, blended and living in the USA:cd To be honest, I AM still hoping to pick up 2 Buff Orpington pullets. (I'm in LOVE with BO's!)
Hmm... well I've never seen a White Leghorn with black spots. So I'd say something totally different.

This is a California White chick - http://www.cacklehatchery.com/cal_white_chicks.jpg (Image from Cackle Hatchery)
If it looks like that then I'm guessing it's California.

If not..I can't think of any other breed that fits that description exactly.
Sorry, hope someone out here knows and
from Utah


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