Just got her walking now typical wry neck is appearing. This chick has it hard.


Crazy for Silkies
11 Years
Jan 17, 2013
Hi friends. After that B2 defiency pancake is looking great until I noticed last night her head between her legs and her doing summer saults. Thank God it's not completely sticking like silkies I've had did. I think it's just coming on. I ran out of Selinium and it should be here by tomorrow. I gave a dose of E but I'm hoping she will be able to absorb some until the selenium comes. This poor chick has been through Hell. How long should I continue B2 And E after she recovers? She has had so many vitamins concentrated on B2 for her legs .they are normal until the wry neck hits. I've never had them go in and out of wry neck like this. When I raised Silkies it was common. This poor little bird is such a fighter and she's came so far. My other 14 are doing really well just my poor pancake (my Granddaughter named her) do you think I can keep pulling her out of this before it sets ? So far thank God I've been able too. I'm terrified it might set while she sleeps. She's already spent a month imobile . Any suggestions? Need all the help I can get. Here I was thinking she's almost ready to be with her flock now this. Poor thing
Update she seems to only do the head tuck backward flip(wry neck) in the late night early morning. Then seems to pull out of it for the day. Has anyone ever seen this? My wry necks have only ever been stuck in the position. I've never seen them go in and out like this. Had anyone had this issue? Otherwise she seems good during the day walking normally. Will she need vitamins especially B2 and E with Selinium for ever? Opinions wanted. Thanks
I've never had one bird suffer from wry neck.

Are you feeding your flock treats regularly?
If a chicken is eating a well balanced diet they shouldn't be getting wry neck.

Are you sure this bird is getting enough crumbled or pelleted feed each day?

How old is she?
I'd keep her on the vit E, B and selenium as long as she's showing any signs of wry neck. It can take weeks of supplementing, the last time I dealt with it the bird was on supplements for around 6 weeks.

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