just gotta say.....


11 Years
Apr 22, 2008
west Michigan
this may not be the right place to put this. If not, we need a place for praises and compliments.

I just gotta say that I read this forum daily. And I never fail to find something that helps me, something new that I didn't know, something that I was going to ask about and now I don't have to because you have anticipated my every question. And when I think that I have finally got an answer for someone else who is asking, someone always beats me to it and answers the question. This is just an awesome place for info, KUDOS to all y'all for being here, and thanks for all the help!!!
What about me? Don't you come to BYC just cuz you love me?

Thanks alot to all here that help when they can, and ask questions when they need to.
I have read alot of threads (even old ones) that have taught me things I didn't know or had not considered.

living in Alaska we are taught to close eveything up tight against the weather, I had no idea that anything needed Ventillation! lol Our Air is extremely dry and we run humidifiers in alot of houses here. so the idea that humidity is bad, never crossed my mind. lol

but I have learned in the coop, that Ventillation is a must and humidity is bad for my chickens.
I completely agree. This is the best-run forum I've seen, and the people here are extraordinarily helpful. I've run into so many kind BYCers that I always enjoy coming here.

The bad thing about this place is that it's so addictive and it's full of enablers!
I'm afraid to tell my family I'm a chicken addict. They would not understand.
I tell everyone about this site! (Even tho no one else I know has chickens lol)I've wanted chickens for a long time and if it weren't for this site, I wouldn't have gotten them. I come here every day and read up. It's like having my own personal chicken expert on hand (or thousands of chicken experts?)
I totally agree. We just got our first 6 chicks in October and had to rehome a roo. I told myself 5 is plenty, but I came back with two more frizzles! My folks say at least I won't be the crazy cat lady like they all feared. I'll be the crazy chicken lady!
I went to a chicken swap meet this past weekend in Jacksonville, FL and it seemed every person I spoke with was a member of this forum and someone suggested we wear nametags with our BYC forum names.

It was kind of nice.

My husband has moved us a lot over the years I lost track but I think in 18 years we have had 14 addresses all across America. So when I come across someone I know - it makes this planet a little smaller and a lot friendlier!

Jax FL

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