Just hatched a guinea, 1/8 hatched, doesn't walk


In the Brooder
Jun 14, 2019
I know why only 1 hatched, I would've had more hatch, but my temperature was awful in my room and I had no clue why until it was too late, so 6/8 made it to tryna break out of the egg, the 1st 1 getting out was way to early and I helped it out after 3 days, the other 5 drowned when I added a towl for texture and decided to bump up the humidity "a f*** ton" like my cousin suggested. I knew 65% was good and I went way too high I regret that choice. I will be finding a better spot for the temperature and try and stay at 60-70% humidity (I like to get to work early and I stay after hours some times, 10 hours of work, and about 10 hours of sleep a day, so I like to increase the humidity higher then suggested before I go to work, so it declines)

But with this 1 that hatched, he can't stand up. He hatched not too long ago, and I will be going to town today and getting guinea feed and chick feed. I know they need really high protein. Will he ever be able to walk? He tries so hard but I don't know if he's just very weak or what. I plan on buying guineas from tractor supply but I need to know for future notes.

Also, can I get a link or a step to step on how to hatch eggs more efficiently. Guinea, chicken, ducks, turkeys, and geese. I only have ducks and chickens currently *not including this guinea* and I would like to get a goose and turkey.
just a thought as I'm also gone for 12 hours a day incubator warehouse sells a humidikit that has made my like 100% easier! it handles the humidity for you so you don't have to worry about it daily. I check it in the am and again at night when I get home.
On starter feed for my guineas I feed medicated chick starter and add in Farmers Helper Ultrakibble for chicks (from TSC)
just a thought as I'm also gone for 12 hours a day incubator warehouse sells a humidikit that has made my like 100% easier! it handles the humidity for you so you don't have to worry about it daily. I check it in the am and again at night when I get home.
On starter feed for my guineas I feed medicated chick starter and add in Farmers Helper Ultrakibble for chicks (from TSC)
The problem with your feed choice is that no one makes any kind of chick feed that has the proper amounts of lysine, methionine and niacin. Chicks don't need the higher levels that game birds, keets, poults, pea chicks, etc. need so no company will put those higher levels in any chick feeds. Only game bird or turkey feeds will have those nutrients at the required levels. When older, all flock (aka flock raiser) feeds will contain the higher levels required but even they are low compared to a proper starter feed.
So sorry to hear that.

Also, I have heard guineas will die from medicated feed? This is my first time so I don't have experience with that, but it is something I have read a lot.
So sorry to hear that.

Also, I have heard guineas will die from medicated feed? This is my first time so I don't have experience with that, but it is something I have read a lot.
There has been a lot of misinformation posted about this. The majority of medicated starter feeds contain a form of amprolium which is a coccidiostat.

@PeepsCA always fed her keets a medicated (amprolium) high protein turkey or game bird starter and always recommended that people use it to prevent losses to coccidiosis.

More keets are lost by putting them in a brooder with shavings for bedding. The keets try to eat the chips, cannot digest them because they have no grit in their gizzards to help grind it up, get plugged up and die.
So far all I've been able to get in my area is reg medicated chick starter.
Thoughts on this feed? Its a new one that my local elevator has available for ordering.
I bought some of the layer feed for my adults to try out, but this they would have to order in.
It looks like a quality starter feed. You would have to contact them to find out the niacin content. Low niacin levels in the feed is relatively easy to deal with by dissolving 1/2 capsule or tablet of vitamin B complex in one gallon of water. Do not add anything else to the water. Make it their sole source of water and it should be made daily.

Personally I use a non-medicated turkey or game bird starter because it is what is available to me.

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