Just set 34 eggs in the bator... March 3rd hatch... who's with me? lol

Likely you will have to start over. It's hard (and I bet your friend feels rotten), but if they were that hot for long at all you'll have trouble.

No pips yet. Today is day 21.
(I really need to find a gif of someone chewing their nails off typewriter-style.

So many of you are having great luck!

CountryGirl, I hope your little Hamburg gets stronger. The hatchmates look wild and crazy!

I'm sorry about the ones that didn't make it
it's so hard when you are all
about the pips and zips then lose one.
Sooo sorry to here that!

My first ever batch went in on the 10th. I later moved them into a homemade bator and dropped half of them into the water pan
Of those 3 hatched the on the 3rd and 4th.

The second batch of 20 went in the 13th and 17 made it into lock down Tuesday and have 3 pips tonight

Great to hear the good news from others.

Check out my peep show



The yellow ones are Partridge Rock roo over Buff Hock hens. The black one is from the same Roo over a Barred Rock hen. Could this one be a sex-link??
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Sooo sorry to here that!

My first ever batch went in on the 10th. I later moved them into a homemade bator and dropped half of them into the water pan
Of those 3 hatched the on the 3rd and 4th.

The second batch of 20 went in the 13th and 17 made it into lock down Tuesday and have 3 pips tonight

Great to hear the good news from others.

Check out my peep show


Awe! The Black one and the one on the far right are my favorites!

The yellow ones are Partridge Rock roo over Buff Hock hens. The black one is from the same Roo over a Barred Rock hen. Could this one be a sex-link??
i have a homemade bator made from a 75 gallon fish tank i put in 3 dozen chicken eggs 2 dozen duck eggs 8 turkey eggs an 8 goose eggs we will see if it works when i candle in 10 days temp seems to be going good put them in the 5th of march
Yay, Rock-n-Roo! More pictures please!!

G&A, hang in there. It appears my eggs count better than I do. I was panicked that none pipped yesterday (my day 21), but today I have two pips (one's a peeper).

I have staggered hatches in there, so when I topped off the water I candled one that isn't due to hatch until the 14th. Still swimming around in there, so the 'bator didn't cook anyone when I wasn't watching.
(The pips today made me feel a lot better!)

Best hatching luck everyone!
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Just watched the tiniest egg (2nd to pip) zip and hatch.

Will try to get a picture when the window is clear again.
(Next tweak to the homemade bator is double-paned glass!)
The other hasn't started zipping, but is still peeping away so I'll leave it until tomorrow afternoon.
That'll be 24 hours. If no one else has pipped by then maybe I'll open the bator quickly and do a little zip-work for it.

Looks like the little one will be black, the feet look good so far. Won't know if she's all black or a "penguin" until she fluffs out.
That egg was so tiny, though. I mean all of my blue and green eggs are on the small side, but this one couldn't have been much over 2 inches long.
Hope this one 'sings' the others out!
Seven in the brooder, one catching its breath in the 'bator. Didn't see any new pips since this morning. Hope someone else hatches soon, I hate putting only one new one in at a time. (I have some toe-biters in there!)

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